Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Wednesday June 29, 2011
Well, we finally made it to Banff and I am sitting in the castle of a hotel (fairemont) and it is huge, and old, and gorgeous. I could probably get lost in here for days…although I hope I don't because the mountains here are awesome!! It is literally so pretty, and there is snow on the top of the mountains. ah, just gorgeous. So I'm not exactly sure the plan for tomorrow, I know Emily wants to go horse back riding but, I guess we will just have to wait and see. I think we are just playing it all by ear this weekend, which makes it even more exciting, haha. Although I think we might take the bus down to the city and talk around and go to all the little shops (you know, it's one of those cute little touristy towns, haha) And, by the way, as we were walking back to our room we heard a guy getting out of a car say "that was the biggest candy store i've even been to!" (well, Buni heard that and told me which, is probably not a good idea to say to me, haha…now thaaat is a place I would volunteer to get lost in for days! haha) Oh, and yea, it is really cold! So good thing I brought my pants, long sleeve shirts and north face jacket!! haha. So anyway, way, we got into town tonight hmm, around 7, finally found our room (the elevator skips the 16th floor so we have to go to the 17th floor, walk down the hall and take the elevator down on an elevator made just for the 16th floor, how crazy is that?! haha!) This hotel literally is insane! (And I wasn't kidding about the castle, I think it used to be one…and looks like one from the outside.) Anyway, so we dropped our stuff off, got dinner, went to find the pool which had then closed, explored arrant the hotel finding our way back to our rooms, I watched a little of the food network and caught up on all things Casey Anthony via Nancy Grace and now I am updating for you lovely people. And there you have it, the basics of the day. I will definitely keep updated as to the happenings of tomorrow but i'm sure it will be beautiful none the less (even though it is supposed to rain.) So, until then...
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Tuesday June 28, 2011
Oh my, I almost forgot to write tonight! Well, there really isn't to much to write about since it was basically just traveling but, oh well. We stopped, as I said, in Regina last night and drive to a hotel tonight in a city called Brooks I believe. We are about 2.5-3 hours away from Calgary. We got here at I guess 7 or so and I just chilled in the room while the girls were at the pool…you know, I had to catch up on my Casey Anthony trail news that was on some news station here (with nancy grace and then some different guys.) Then we got take out from a restaurant across the street for dinner and I came back to the room and the girls and I watched The Voice which I had almost forgotten about! I loved to watch it when i was home but I haven't been able to since I left so, that was good. Anyway, so I guess its just been hanging out tonight and we leave in the morning to drop the trailers off in Calgary and then we head to Banff National park for a couple days!! So stoked! And i'm sure I will be taking and adding many pictures to Facebook FYI, haha. Well anyway, I downloaded some new music tonight so, that's exciting. We'll see how that goes. Anyway, back to finding some new music and watching a video online before hitting the hay. Until next time...
Monday June 27, 2011
Well, it's only 12…pm, and i'm just waiting on everyone to get everything set so we can start driving to Regina, our first pit stop on our drive to Calgary so I thought I could waste my time by coming on here to write this since I am in my bunk where there is no internet, haha. …wow, that was a long run-on sentence. ooh yeaaaa, (hahaha, when I was typing that 'oh yea' was just being sung over my itunes, which was the reason for my "ooh yeaaaa' because it is MMMBop. haha!)
Ok so, back to my normal time of updating right before bed. We are in Regina right now on the way to Calgary. We stopped at a little strip mall place/walmart parking lot and are staying in our same bunk houses. (No worries, there are about 20 other trailers/RV's here too so, it isn't weird, haha.) I guess we pulled in around 10 then Claude and I went into Wal-Mart for a bit before meeting Buni and Paul at some restaurant for dinner…it was good. I had chicken and bacon pizza. But anyway, enough about my dinner menu. For the drive thus far I was looking at the huge map book thing Buni had in the truck. I don't know why but I really love maps. …actually I kinda do know why, because I like to travel and just looking at maps kinda takes me there a little bit. (weird, I know) But anyway, as I was going through this book I realized I reeeally want to travel across the country. I mean, not like I didn't before, but, there is just so much of this country I haven't seen. Although most of the states I were studying the most were all of the states out west…where mountains are, like Montana, Idaho, Missouri, Colorado, Oregon, Washington, California. Each page was a detailed road map of every state and let me just tell you, I turned the page for Oregon and it was like, GREEN. (you know how they have green on the maps that indicate forests or parks or whatnot. And that is what I look for in a state on a map. I am not kidding they had the little tree symbol on every centimeter of the coast! Sooo, naturally it made me want to go to Oregon again really bad. I would also like to go to California really bad and Washington. I don't know when this would happen but, i'm pretty sure it needs to! If I could just make a lot of money and start saving, then I could just have a few weeks, like a month or something and just go exploring out west I would be the happiest person ever!! Like seriously, how fun would that be?! My only problem is that I would need a car and I can't rent one cause i think you have to be 25 or something and not only would it be kinda time consuming and boring having to drive through the boring states like Oklahoma and Kansas, but the gas bill would be pretty substantial I suppose! But anyway, a girl can dream, right?! Dang, I really wish I could have done the Belmont West thing out in LA for the Spring semester cause that would have been an awesome spring break trip but, oh well. Ok well, I don't want to bore anyone with my hopeful ramblings so I guess I can shut up now, haha. So the point of this story, I need to play the lotto here in Canada because they don't take out taxes on the money you win and when $30 million is advertised to win the lottery, you actually win $30 million! shooot. haha. Night all. I'll be boring you again soon i'm sure. Until then…
Ok so, back to my normal time of updating right before bed. We are in Regina right now on the way to Calgary. We stopped at a little strip mall place/walmart parking lot and are staying in our same bunk houses. (No worries, there are about 20 other trailers/RV's here too so, it isn't weird, haha.) I guess we pulled in around 10 then Claude and I went into Wal-Mart for a bit before meeting Buni and Paul at some restaurant for dinner…it was good. I had chicken and bacon pizza. But anyway, enough about my dinner menu. For the drive thus far I was looking at the huge map book thing Buni had in the truck. I don't know why but I really love maps. …actually I kinda do know why, because I like to travel and just looking at maps kinda takes me there a little bit. (weird, I know) But anyway, as I was going through this book I realized I reeeally want to travel across the country. I mean, not like I didn't before, but, there is just so much of this country I haven't seen. Although most of the states I were studying the most were all of the states out west…where mountains are, like Montana, Idaho, Missouri, Colorado, Oregon, Washington, California. Each page was a detailed road map of every state and let me just tell you, I turned the page for Oregon and it was like, GREEN. (you know how they have green on the maps that indicate forests or parks or whatnot. And that is what I look for in a state on a map. I am not kidding they had the little tree symbol on every centimeter of the coast! Sooo, naturally it made me want to go to Oregon again really bad. I would also like to go to California really bad and Washington. I don't know when this would happen but, i'm pretty sure it needs to! If I could just make a lot of money and start saving, then I could just have a few weeks, like a month or something and just go exploring out west I would be the happiest person ever!! Like seriously, how fun would that be?! My only problem is that I would need a car and I can't rent one cause i think you have to be 25 or something and not only would it be kinda time consuming and boring having to drive through the boring states like Oklahoma and Kansas, but the gas bill would be pretty substantial I suppose! But anyway, a girl can dream, right?! Dang, I really wish I could have done the Belmont West thing out in LA for the Spring semester cause that would have been an awesome spring break trip but, oh well. Ok well, I don't want to bore anyone with my hopeful ramblings so I guess I can shut up now, haha. So the point of this story, I need to play the lotto here in Canada because they don't take out taxes on the money you win and when $30 million is advertised to win the lottery, you actually win $30 million! shooot. haha. Night all. I'll be boring you again soon i'm sure. Until then…
Monday, June 27, 2011
Sunday June 26, 2011
Well, well, well. The first carnival is officially finally over. I am getting done a little earlier than I thought…although I am the only one done and everyone else is still breaking down their games. It only 3:23 and I'm not too tired. I've got to say though, there have been many times throughout this week when I thought to myself: I love people…or this person or that person that works here. One thing memorable about today was Nathan. Let me tell you about Nathan. He is a little mexican looking guy (?) I dunno what nationality he looks but, i dunno, that doesn't matter. Well anyway, he stutters a lot when he talks and I can only even understand him about half the time. Well I will sitting outside the office one morning waiting on Buni and so was Nathan. He was our worker that didn't work at any of the games but whose only job was restocking (blowing up balloons, basketballs, ect.) Well anyway, so Nathan and I got to chat for a good 10 maybe 15 minutes and God bless the guy. I was able to learn a bit about him and I enjoyed our little talk. Since then he would always come up to me and just talk for a minute or so…telling me the same thing 5 times but, I didn't care, I wanted to hear him anyway. So onto my story (haha! that wasn't even what happened this morning I'm meaning to talk about, haha.) So I go out of the office to wander around and he walks up to me a little sad looking and starts talking. He said he was just feeling very sad and how he needed to get out of this town (oh I know the feelin' Nathan) and then he just starts crying. I felt so bad, like I just needed to give him a hug or something…and I aaalmost did but, I didn't want to frighten him, haha. So I asked him what's got him so sad and listened to him talk for a little bit…stood there in silence for a little bit, but hopefully not an awkward silence, just a silence that let him stand there for a minute and not have to talk and also maybe not feel alone. So anyway, one of his concerns was that he really wanted to travel with us to Calgary but then I heard he wasn't going to. Although last I heard form Nathan tonight he told me Randy said that he could go and work for a ride (?) although that isn't with or through us so, I don't know how reliable that is. But, I hope it's true anyway. I'd like Nathan to be able to go to Calgary. …and I know it's big but, if he does end up going I hope I run into him again. I don't expect anyone to be reading these, but if there is anyone out there that is, include Nathan in your prayers tonight. I'm not exactly positive what all is going on in his life but, if he was shedding tears this morning, he's got something on his mind and a little prayer never hurt anybody! One thing that I did learn from him that I will share with you is that he is…either 60 or 90 days sober, which I told him was good. He got out his keychain and you could see the little key chains they give you for each month, you know, 30 days sober and whatnot. He said he just got his last key chain last month and I think he said it was 3 months? But it might have been shorter. Anyway, I guess that's enough about Nathan but, it was on my mind so, I thought i'd share. Well, i'm positive there are more stories from today I could share (like Ronnie asking me again if we could go out) but i'm not trying to write a novel here. I hope everything is beautiful where you are! I don't know when i'll be able to upload this seeing as we leave tomorrow for Calgary and we won't get there till Wednesday and then we leave Wednesday for Banff too (!!!) but, oh well. Until next time…
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Saturday June 25, 2011
Well, I am writing a little earlier than my normal time tonight because i'm….(wait for it) waiting on a snack size m&m mcflurry to come for me! hahah. I was working in the office when I got a call from Claude over the walkie talkie asking if I wanted anything from McDonald's. Of course me being Amy said i wanted a mcflurry. So I arrived just in time to give him some money and Lynn drove off with him, Randy, and Savannah and are gonna bring me and wally back some stuff. I'm excited. Well today was a good but tiring day. It was crowded and the numbers were good so, that is always good! Although, I did fail on my mission on getting fries. Claude had to work Pop A today because Conrad was gone and every time he was on break, I was counting the money from my pick-ups, haha. So I went over to the fry booth at one point just to get the fries on my own but Cameron wasn't there and no one else knew me : / so, maaaybe that will be something I can accomplish tomorrow. …and as for the itunes, I knew i wasn't really gonna do that today, but I did try but the internet was really slow and not working to great at the time so I just cancelled my quest to discover new music (also because of the fact I think at this point in time either Buni or paul had music going over the loud speakers, so i couldn't just sit there and sample music. Anywho, tomorrow is the last day!! I miiight now write tomorrow night because right after close is break down, which apparently lasts until around 4:30-5 or so in the morning…probably/maybe longer. But then Monday we are off to Calgary and then Banff!! (which i am totally excited about!…I get to see mountains! woo hoo!) OH, and I also discovered today that Emily and Lindsey love Grey's Anatomy tooo! yay! So we talked after dinner about our favorite characters and certain episodes from this season and last…finally someone i can talk to about one of my favorite shows!!! haha. Oh, and a guy asked me out, ha! Oh Ronnie…I think he just graduated high school. He is about 300 something pounds and is always up at the office asking Buni and Paul questions…mainly Buni and driving her crazy, haha. Anyway, I found that comical. So there you have it, my run down for the day. kinda. Now just gotta make it through our last day tomorrow…and we open at 11 instead of 12 so call time is 10. It's gonna be a long day I can already tell. Until next time...
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Friday June 24, 2011
Nothing like crawling into bed at 2:20 in the morning. Needless to say it was a late night at the carnival. The fair didn't close till after 12 sometime so I didn't end up leaving the office till 1:45…when before getting back to my room I saw Claude, Wally, and Randy sitting out talking so I naturally had to stop and talk for 15 minutes. But now I am all cleaned up and ready for a nice nights sleep. Well, I don't really have much to say about today. It was kinda unusually slow earlier today but it definitely picked up after the sun went down (which around here is sometime after 9, haha) I'm curious about Calgary coming up though because I was just warned again how crazy busy it gets…and if I thought right now i'm having late nights. woah, look out Calgary! haha. I'm sure I will probably be dead halfway through that one. ha. But I will keep you posted. So, on the agenda for tomorrow (but since you will be reading this tomorrow…or probably even after tomorrow…I could even say yesterday…but then again that is only assuming anyone reads this…which I don't) now where was I? Oh yes, on the agenda: see Cameron and get some fries!! The whole time I have been here I have been meaning to go to Buni's sisters fry stand thing and see if Cameron (her son who also went to good ole SJS) would hook me up with some free fries! But of course being the wimp that I am, I have been too scared to go by myself because I don't really like asking people for free stuff. Sooo, to solve my dilemma, Claude goes there probably more than once a day to get fries, drinks, ect. so I am going to have him go with me my first time over to break the ice! hahaha. yea, i'm awesome. Although I do realize I am a little late seeing as the last day of the fair here is Sunday buuut, they will be with us all summer so, my outlook is still promising. Also, I at some point need to look for some new music to download from itunes. I got a lot of itunes money for birthday (!!!) so it's new music time! :) I already have some albums that I have thought of buying in the past but never ended up getting so i might go sample those one more time and get them if I still like what I hear, haha. Alrighty well, I guess that should be all from me for tonight/this morning. Until next time…
OH, and what is going on with the Casey Anthony murder trial thing? I've been missing it!!
OH, and what is going on with the Casey Anthony murder trial thing? I've been missing it!!
Friday, June 24, 2011
Thursday June 23, 2011
Phew, it seems like this day went by kinda fast, but looking back I can't believe this morning was only this morning! haha. (did that make any sense? probably not) Anyway, the fair didn't open till 3 today so, that is always nice, but you know what that means? Errands. That is what I did up until fair time. Oh, and did I mention i'm live?! Well…not really, but we have wifi in the office now so I can update my blog everyday! (how lucky are you?! hahaha) So that was first on our list…which took a while; then the bank, then the canadian superstore, then a store almost exactly like Ross, then Wal-Mart then finally back to the fair where we were a little late for call time (which was 2.) Upon our arrival almost all the games had to be switched around because 4 people quit. So it was a small flurry of moving tap around on the aprons and then having another person show up outside the gate that wanted to be hired and getting him in and set up…so anyway, the afternoon went by fast. Then it was back to normal of doing pick-ups and counting the aprons, ect. Then I decided I really should do some laundry when on my way back to my room some guy comes up to me and said he had been talking to so and so and something else, but that they were trying to put together a little bible study with some book and I am in? And just like that with a fist bump I had signed myself up to be a part of this bible study some people are trying to get started! haha. (I believe Buni had known some people that had always wanted to start one so she told them I might want to go and there you have it.) So anyway, I had actually seen this guy before and he's pretty nice so, it should be interesting! (at least) I'm kinda excited about it…and i'll be able to get to know some more people out here. I just got back from my shower and passed the nightly gang and they were asking how I was ect. so I asked how everything was going with them and Randy was saying how much he really liked today…that it was kinda busy and that his daughter and grand daughter were able to come and see him. It was really sweet. I was able to meet his grand daughter, she is 4 or 5 I believe and let me tell you she was a cutie…and Randy is such a great grandpa (although he doesn't really look it…and another side note, I really like Randy…and all these guys that'll be traveling with us as a matter of fact, haha) So yea, I would definitely say today was a good day! I think it's funny though me commenting on my 1am witting time when I started this thinking that was maybe late…and here I am writing at 2:37, haha! So, tomorrow's call time is 11, the fair opens at 12. I can't believe it is already Friday!! Time sure does fly. OH, but in other exciting news, Paul booked us rooms today in Banff for in between this spot and Calgary!! He showed me some pictured off the website and it looked really nice!! I'm exited!! And of course will have to make sure my camera is fully charged! Ok, ok, I know you don't have all day so I will be done typing, sometimes it just happens that I start and keep going and going (most of the time only who knows what about, haha) and before I know it I have a paragraph when I just went to add a sentence (case in point, right now.) So anyway, that's all from me. I should really get some shut eye. Until next time...
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Wednesday June 22, 2011
So i'm sittin there going through my old ipod and listening to music/deleting songs off itunes and I just realized I haven't wrote anything yet for today so i figured I guess I should probably go ahead and update. (…although there really isn't much to update about) Today was just a normal day here at the carnival. Actually, it was cold and rainy all day so…not so fun. But tomorrow is Thursday which means there are only 4 days left! Phew, time sure does fly. So we have Thursday-Sunday left then we pack up and head to Calgary. Paul said we will be there by Wednesday and we still might go to Bamf, which i really hope we do because I heard it was really pretty! But I also did hear that the last part of the drive to Calgary was really pretty because you can see the mountains so I am at least excited about that! (You know how I love my mountains!) So anyway, I guess I don't need to go and bore anyone (myself) by trying to think of something to ramble about so I will just go ahead and stop here. But yea, another good day. Until tomorrow...
Tuesday June 21, 2011
Well, it is now 2:37 and I just got in from sitting outside with the carnies for a few hours talking…well, half the time listening to claude talk about his puppies and show me 600 pictures he has on his iphone, haha. (man he likes to talk! ha) But it was nice to sit out and talk with the gang, I like them. I also got to hear Wally's view on Christianity and religion…lets just say I probably won't be convincing him to join me at church anytime soon….but the sad thing about it is, the things he was saying I didn't really know how to respond to like, it was a "yea, you are right, and that kinda does sound terrible buuut," Oh well, the summer is young and i think i'll be joining them out there for talks a lot more often! Anyway, it was freezing out and raining so, that was no fun. But Claude just helped me make the heat work in my room finally! After it's been freezing in my room all day!! Well, I guess that's about it. We don't open until 3 tomorrow so that's exciting! Call time isn't till 2 so at least I get to sleep in…and maybe Buni will have some errands she will need to run that I might be able to tag along for. Ok, ok, this really is it. I'll listen to a few songs then hit the hay. Until tomorrow night...
Monday June 20, 2011
Well my goodness I almost forgot to write tonight!! Well that would have been a travesty! haha ;) I was just so busy keeping myself occupied on photobooth, haha! Well, my 21st has officially come and gone and I must say, it was a good one!! I had a delicious lunch at Olive Garden, got to chill at the mall and get a smote carmel apple…which, I just had about half of it an hour or so ago and I should not have eaten that much of it, I am feelin it now. (…and I looked totally ridiculous eating it…it was the size of my head.) Anywho, it was just a good day over all. I got back from a run of picking up aprons and they had a chocolate cake with candles waiting for me! It was really nice. Everyone was really nice! Dale and Bea even got me a card :) so sweet. (and itunes money!) So yea, other than my minor stomach ache at the moment from eating too much, haha, wonderful day. Well, I guess that is about all I have to say…other than it is now 2:05 and I should be thinking about going to bed soon…but really i'm not that tired. hmm. oh well. I guess after i write this there isn't too much I can do…other than watching missy higgins videos again, ha! (which, I guess still sounds good to me! haha) Until next time...
Sunday June 19, 2011
Well well well, I am already back and it is only 12:25 so I don't even know what to do with myself! (Although, I still haven't gotten my shower which I normally have done by the time I write my updates but, I wanted to chill for a minute before taking one…and also there are a few people out there chillin and I don't feel like going out there, haha) Anywho, I guess it being 12:28 not it is technically my birthday…and I have already gotten 3 people who have texted me and Buni, Claude, and Lynn already told me happy birthday when it was 12 when we were in the office, haha. …although, I wish I still had unlimited texts when I was here so i could respond to everyone! oh well. Oh, but I am also not including Missy Higgins in my birthday count, who wished me a happy birthday earlier this week ;) (she just came up on my itunes, haha. ("More Than This" look it up, good tune…it is actually a Roxy Music cover)) Aanywho, hmm, well, I don't know if a run down of today's events is worth mentioning but, I guess I could mention the highlights. Talked to dad for fathers day, also caught up with mom. After making my second run 'April Wine' was playing at the stage they have here and I met Buni and Paul…and really, who knew April Wine had such a following in Winnipeg? (I had never heard of them, but apparently an old rock band, haha) Oh, and I took a couple more pictures to upload. Although I just realized as I as walking into my room that I left my dang camera in the office! Guess i'll just upload those pics to the computer tomorrow. Well lets see, anything else exciting to say about today? hmm, not really. It was actually a kinda slow day. I mean, there was always people around, but not nearly as full as any of the other days. BUT, everyone is excited because tomorrow we open at 3! Which means call time isn't till 2…opposed to 10 we had this morning and 11 the day before. So it shall be nice to sleep in and take it easy, then we are going out for lunch for my birthday! yee-haw! Well, I guess anything else that I type would just be babbling (not much different than the rest of anything else i've typed thus far but, oh well.) Also, one thing about macs, they don't come with solitaire already installed in the computer. Where is the game section?! (not like I ever used it before on the hp but now that I have no internet I find there is not to much to keep me occupied on the computer other than coming on this little notepad and ramblings about nothing at all to no one at all. (which is why I had taken a few more pictures tonight so I had enough to upload to occupy my time, and I go and forget the camera! (if you can't tell I am still a little bitter about leaving it.))) ugh, hmm, well I guess I should go get my shower. and with that, that's all folks! PEACE
ok, I of course got side tracked and haven't left yet but I feel I need to update one more time just to announce that computer chess is crap. …and apparently i don't know how to play chess, haha. that's all.
Update number 2. Well, I at least have gotten my shower this time, but it is now 2:20 and I'm not really that tired. Because of the lack of entertainment on my computer, what I have been left with is Missy Higgins videos. On my old laptop I had a handful of missy higgins videos I had ripped of youtube that were I guess my favorite so I had a nice little stash of videos on my itunes I could watch. Fortunately or unfortunately for you all (ha, like there is even a "you all") anyway, almost all the videos are from missy higgins (and although I don't exclusively have missy higgins (just barely) those are the only one's I have watched.) So anyway, I have spent some of my nights and also when I was bored before the carnival started, watching all of these missy higgins videos and let me tell you, they are probably not good for the addiction I already have, haha! For example, if I had access to the internet at this point in time my status would read: "Amy Ergle- is in love with missy higgins, y'all are just going to have to deal with that." Or something along those lines. And probably in my best interesting I do not have internet; so I just come onto here to ramble about my infatuation and enter what would be a status update. ok, I am really going to try to go to bed this time.
ok, I of course got side tracked and haven't left yet but I feel I need to update one more time just to announce that computer chess is crap. …and apparently i don't know how to play chess, haha. that's all.
Update number 2. Well, I at least have gotten my shower this time, but it is now 2:20 and I'm not really that tired. Because of the lack of entertainment on my computer, what I have been left with is Missy Higgins videos. On my old laptop I had a handful of missy higgins videos I had ripped of youtube that were I guess my favorite so I had a nice little stash of videos on my itunes I could watch. Fortunately or unfortunately for you all (ha, like there is even a "you all") anyway, almost all the videos are from missy higgins (and although I don't exclusively have missy higgins (just barely) those are the only one's I have watched.) So anyway, I have spent some of my nights and also when I was bored before the carnival started, watching all of these missy higgins videos and let me tell you, they are probably not good for the addiction I already have, haha! For example, if I had access to the internet at this point in time my status would read: "Amy Ergle- is in love with missy higgins, y'all are just going to have to deal with that." Or something along those lines. And probably in my best interesting I do not have internet; so I just come onto here to ramble about my infatuation and enter what would be a status update. ok, I am really going to try to go to bed this time.
Saturday June 18, 2011
Phew, Day 2 is officially over. It was another good day at the carnival and my feet are still tired, haha. Well, (if you were wondering) it is now 1:27 and although no one is reading/will probably read this, I am kinda liking that I started this little diary/documentation of sorts because it gives me a chance to chill and listen to a little bit of music before hitting the hay. Without my internet like I normally have, I would at this point in time be mindlessly scrolling through Tumblr, Twitter, or Facebook; I've been able to use this little notepad during my normal social media time before going to bed. Anyway, I just went and reread that sentence/train of thought, changed it a bit and I still don't think it makes sense…oh well, it is late, and i've had a busy day, haha. Sooo yea, hmm, on my walk back to my little room I thought of things that I should/could write on here but now that I am lying down typing I seem to have forgotten it all (go figure) haha. Oh, but I did remind myself when I was in the shower that I hadn't yet eaten any cotton candy or carmel apples or junk food so far and I was very proud of myself! Then I realized it was only the end of day 2 and I didn't feel so impressive, haha. although, before I even started working and the carnival opened I thought how i wanted those things so, yea, I am still going to be proud of myself, even if it has only been 2 days!! Well, not too much different today than yesterday, although there was one more pick up and I believe more money was made today than yesterday, so that's always good. But I will tell you something about my days. The mornings/early afternoons are probably the easiest and pretty chill, but then as the night goes on and you have to do more pick ups after you have already done a couple and counting all the aprons, the end of the days do seem the more tiring. But anywho, tomorrow for some reason the fair opens at 11 instead at 12 so call time is 10…in which case I should probably get some sleep. Still debating if tomorrow will be the day or not. …you know, the day I finally get a carmel apple or cotton candy ;) haha. we'll see, and I will definitely keep you posted. (whoever "you" is) Well, until then…
Friday June 17, 2011
Phew, the carnival has officially started! I am pleased to say I am just crawling into bed at 1 (which I guess isn't to late actually) and boy can my feet tell it's day 1, haha. But, in spite of my feet being a tid bit tired, today was a good day! Getting started was a little fast passed because the fair opened at 12 when some had originally thought 3, so there was speed walking around going to booths and getting/making signs for people. After we opened I was able to chillax for about an hour and I finally got to catch up just a LITTLE bit on the Casey Anthony trial which I had been following thus far in Florida. I do kinda wish I could still watch all that stuff cause it all seems so interesting but, oh well, moving onward. So I get back from my break and I ended up doing 3 pick ups tonight…well, i'm not sure what exactly they are called but, I go around and get everyone's aprons, take all the money out, count it, write it down and enter it into the computer. We have hmm, well, we will count the games together. Short, Pool A, Pop A, Baskets, Tubs, Long, Pool B. So, 7 games. Now, I know you might not be following my terminology so let me explain. Short= the smaller/shorter of the 2 basketball games they have. Pool A= the pool tables where you call a pocket and hit the ball in. Pop A= one of the dart games where you try to pop the balloons. Baskets= trying to throw softball like balls into the baskets tilting sideways slightly. Tubs= same thing as baskets but with tubs. Long= this would be the larger/longer of the 2 basketball hoops. Pool B= (See Pool A). So there you have it, those are all the games I go around to to collect the aprons and count money. Now, I would go through the names of all the people that work at said booths but, that would be a rather long list of people i'm sure you wouldn't know, and also I haven't gotten 100% of the people's names down yet, ha. But, I will say, Claude (pronounced cload) is one of my favorites (and he thinks I look like CJ…and for that, I will take it as a compliment; for CJ, I do apologize, he really didn't mean it, haha.) Anyway, I was also able to chat for a minute with Sadae when she had no one at her game (she was at the baskets) (OH, and ps. Claude was at Pop A) and she's nice. She is one of Piper's friends (Piper= future room mate who won't come until Calgary.) But anyway, I guess this has been more than enough for tonight, i'm sure anything else I could add will be mentioned eventually. So, here's to falling a sleep with the sound of a nice little storm that just started as I closed the door to my room. Here's to another exciting tomorrow. Until then…
Thursday June 16, 2011
So, I'm writing a little early today, on account that I am just sitting in my room doing nothing…well, kinda. Last night I was looking around on my laptop and forgot about garage band, so i did a little tinkering. I found that not only can you make music on garage band but they also have piano and guitar lessons too! Well, that is something i will have to keep in mind when i have a piano or guitar with me. So anyway, after watching some of those videos and going to sleep, i decided to tinker with it a little more today. I decided I was going to try to make a mash-up of songs…a few that were somewhat similar. Well, I did my best and what I ended up with was less than impressive, but it was my first attempt at making something on garage band so, i'll let it slide. After making my crappy song I decided I would try out working with loops and sounds instead of songs. I was able to get a good blend of 2 piano's and drum loops going but, I don't know if it could work as a song, i'm sure i would need some sort of bridge or other variation in the music…but I am pleased with what I have at this point. Anyway, I thought I could come on and update about my new finding of garageband, haha. Well, that's it for now. I'll update later today as i'm sure I will have some free time and i'll think of something I forgot. Until then...
After I wrote this message, I actually had my busiest day. It was a good one. :) Tomorrow is opening day, let the fun begin! ;)
After I wrote this message, I actually had my busiest day. It was a good one. :) Tomorrow is opening day, let the fun begin! ;)
Wedesday June 15, 2011
Okie doke, it is 4:52 and it's time to update again. There isn't really all too much I need to do before the actual carnival begins since my job is to help out in the office, but i'll inform you of what i've been up to anyway. Today I haven't been up to much, signed up a few more people in the office to help out then caught up on mail and Facebook since I was able to use the internet. I also was able to find the Pretty Little Liars that aired last night and watch that. Yesterday I fell asleep watching The Princess Bride so I came back to my room to finish that and I just got done watching 50 First Dates…now I am out of movies, haha. Well, I guess there isn't too much more to say, it's been raining a lot today so its been pretty soggy out (not very good carnival setting up weather.) Since I don't have wifi I was also able to finally go through all of my pictures I have saved and organize an album of all the feet pictures I have taken around. I have pics ranging from 2008 till now from Romania and Canada to Grandma's old house, so thats pretty cool. Going through all my pics though I wish I would'a taken some when I was at other places like New York and Jacksonville; I just think it is kinda cool having all those pictures of my shoes in different cities at different times, like a form of documenting where i've been. Anywho, who knows what i'll be up to next but, I guess that's all from me. OH WAIT, I dooo however have some exciting new. My first night here I got a text saying Missy Higgins responded to a tweet when I had asked her a question…I was very excited, seeing as I love Missy Higgins, haha. And so today I tweeted her again showing my appreciation saying I was going to tweet her next week for a mention for my birthday and she tweeted me again wishing me a happy birthday!! :) Anyway, much to my delight she tweeted me twice in 2 days, which of course made me excited. Okay, okay, I know no one shares my enthusiasm (or like nonetheless) for Missy Higgins so i will shut up now. Until next time...
Tuesday June 14, 2011
Well, it is now 2:13 and I arrived in Canada last night. We flew in, got some dinner at Boston Pizza (which was very delicious by the way) and i unpacked all my stuff in what will be my room for the next 2 months. After unpacking and chillin at Buni's for a bit, i got back to my room, fiddled around on my laptop and hit the hay. This morningI went to get shower and much to my surprise the hot water was apparently not working, haha. So I took the best shower I could as to not get any water on me…it was interesting, haha! Finally get dressed and it's time to find the office i will be working in while the carnival is in session. I go and help clean/organize for bit before making my first stop at Tim Horton's (which, of course I remember Kelly Ann and everyone raving over when they came here for their mission trips and Amanda being from New York also enjoying.) Anyway, I got a delicious donut and it was back to do a little more work on the fairgrounds (hiring new workers, getting shirts, cleaning, ect.) At the moment I believe most of the workers are (or were at least 30 minutes ago) going on break for lunch. Buni went to the store so i've just been chillaxin in the office. I just made it back to my bunk house/room and have wifi or anything (leaving my laptop somewhat useless only as a glorified ipod at this point, haha) so i figured I could at least do what my mom requested and write down some of my little adventure. I don't really know what's on the schedule for tonight, or tomorrow really (probably some of the same things today, just making sure everything is set and ready for the fair to open. Which, by the way, is Friday which was my next point i was going to make.) So anyway, seeing as i am typing this on my laptop and don't have any wifi, i have no idea when anyone will read this or it will be uploaded (which, not to say that if i had wifi anyone would read it anyway, ha!) But anyway, that's where we are right about now. I guess i've got nothing else so, if anything exciting happens, i will be sure to document it. Until then...
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Tonight I was on Youtube watching a show and when it ended, for some reason, on the home screen was my face.....from 2012. How did THAT get ...
I've been meaning to write this update for a few days now, but have been rather busy so lacked the time. Driving home from work the othe...
Ok, ok, even though no one knows about this or reads it, this still has turned out to be something I didn't think it would be, haha. Eve...
Well, it has been about 2 weeks, but I've not had much to say...well, nothing new at least. But, I was listening to this song today and ...