Well, it is all over. I leave tomorrow and I have got to say, this has probably been one of the best summer's in the past couple of years. Although I am excited to head home and see the family, I think I am going to miss being out here and the people. Steve, Wally, Lynn, Randy, Claude, Savannah, Alex, Piper…i've spent my last month and even longer with them so and i've really enjoyed their company…and not to mention Buni, who I am very appreciative of for letting me even join her out here to help for the summer. She has been so great to work with this summer, it really made it a fun one. Well anyway, my plane leaves tomorrow at 2 so i'll have to get to the airport around 12 or so since it'll be an international flight. And speaking of flights, I really hope none of mine are delayed seeing as I no longer have a working phone…which I am ok with cause I don't use my phone that much anyway (that would require me to have people that wanted to talk to me…which fortunately or unfortunately I don't, haha!) although does seem to be a little inconvenient when traveling to another country, changing planes and having people pick you up. But I have faith that everything will go just as planned and my parents will be picking me up around 11:15 right at security at MCO…or at least hopefully. …although by the time I will be able to upload this online I will more than likely be back in Florida for a little while. So anyway, seeing as it is now 4:00am (well, I did of course have to stay up and watch I Love Lucy after getting the office all organized, getting home and showered and all ;) haha. But that's all from me from tonight (or technically this morning.) Until next time...
Monday, August 8, 2011
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Saturday August 6, 2011
Well, I don't really feel like updating tonight…don't think it will break anyone's heart. Although I do have one thing to say; I have a new favorite TV show/person. I Love Lucy. It has been playing all day on the Hallmark Channel and is/she is HI-larious. Anyway, that's all. Until next time...
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Friday August 5, 2011
And so another day has come and gone. I can't believe there are only 2 days left; where in the world has the summer gone? I guess thinking back I have been out here for a while, but then again at the same time, I can't believe there are only 2 more days. As much fun as I had out here and i'm sure will miss it, I am actually looking forward to heading home too, to have a couple weeks to hang out with the family before having to head back to nashville for the semester. So what about today? much like yesterday, not to much to update about…other than my interview I had (which seems like so long ago now, haha) It actually went really well and I know I would enjoy interning there, so i guess I just have to wait and see now. They have a few more interviews over the next few days/week so, i'm not going to get my hopes up, but it would a good experience none the less going through the application process.
Watched an episode of Grey's Anatomy today and I almost forgot how much I love that show. If you don't know already, I am kinda obsessed with Grey's Anatomy. Thursday's are my Grey's night and everyone knows better than to try to pry me away from the tv. Every May I get thrown into a tizzy wondering what in the world I am going to do all summer without my favorite tv show, but luckily this year some other shows have fallen into its place and being here in Canada has made me not even think about it. Tonight I watched an episode from season 6, while i must say is probably my favorite season (season 8 will start up in September) and this episode is now probably my favorite. Called "Invest In Love" it was a pretty heavy Arizona storyline, which is why I probably love it so much. There is just something about that character and the way Jessica Capshaw plays it that just makes me smile…although I must say the writers completely ruined Arizona for me a little there in season 7 so, here's to hoping they can regain my appreciation for these characters next season. Anyway, enough with the Grey's Anatomy rant, I have no idea where that came from. My deepest apologies. haha.
Alright well, I guess I will stop now as to not let anymore of my geekyness/nerd side show through (although i'm sure all of you know better.) But one more thing before I go. I have become addicted to Timbits from Tim Horton's…the chocolate glazed donut holes. um, yum. I just got a box of 10 today and had those for dinner…well, 6, and just polished off the other 4. [yea, i'm not fat or anything, haha] I'm thinkin tomorrow's food will be taco in a bag (delish!) But I shall keep you posted…i know you will be waiting on pins and needles ;) Until then...
Watched an episode of Grey's Anatomy today and I almost forgot how much I love that show. If you don't know already, I am kinda obsessed with Grey's Anatomy. Thursday's are my Grey's night and everyone knows better than to try to pry me away from the tv. Every May I get thrown into a tizzy wondering what in the world I am going to do all summer without my favorite tv show, but luckily this year some other shows have fallen into its place and being here in Canada has made me not even think about it. Tonight I watched an episode from season 6, while i must say is probably my favorite season (season 8 will start up in September) and this episode is now probably my favorite. Called "Invest In Love" it was a pretty heavy Arizona storyline, which is why I probably love it so much. There is just something about that character and the way Jessica Capshaw plays it that just makes me smile…although I must say the writers completely ruined Arizona for me a little there in season 7 so, here's to hoping they can regain my appreciation for these characters next season. Anyway, enough with the Grey's Anatomy rant, I have no idea where that came from. My deepest apologies. haha.
Alright well, I guess I will stop now as to not let anymore of my geekyness/nerd side show through (although i'm sure all of you know better.) But one more thing before I go. I have become addicted to Timbits from Tim Horton's…the chocolate glazed donut holes. um, yum. I just got a box of 10 today and had those for dinner…well, 6, and just polished off the other 4. [yea, i'm not fat or anything, haha] I'm thinkin tomorrow's food will be taco in a bag (delish!) But I shall keep you posted…i know you will be waiting on pins and needles ;) Until then...
Friday, August 5, 2011
Thursday August 4, 2011
Hellooo to my 3 readers…if you are even still there : / haha! Not to much different going on today. As I was taking my daily cleanse, I was thinking about what I could write for tonight…if there was anything new or noteworthy today, because at first thought, there wasn't. Then I figured I could talk about a song I had heard while counting the last pick-up (which I still probably will do) but then I realized I do have a smidgen piece of information. Well, I finally got an e-mail back from the woman at Revolution Pictures and we set up to do our Skype interview tomorrow at 3:30 central time (so 2:30 my time) And I must say, I am kinda nervous. Not sure why, I mean, I guess because it is an interview but…especially because it is with a film company and I don't have any experience (really) with anything like that so, I don't know what they will think of me or what they will ask. But anyway, i'm sure it will all go well and work out how it is supposed to. I haven't heard back yet from 10 out of Tenn when I sent in my resume to them so, I don't know what is going on there…I know they posted they needed an intern on twitter so maybe they have a few to go threw first? I think I might prefer interning for 10 out or Tenn more than Revolution Pictures but, I know I would enjoy both i'm sure. I guess kinda a lot has changed future career wise for my in the past year or so. I mean, not tooo much, but just a little more uncertainty. I always knew I wanted to work in the music business and thought artist management would be ok if I couldn't be a tour manager (which is what I originally wanted to do upon my departure to Belmont) But now, after my internships, i'm not to sure I really want to work for an artist management company. (…actually yea, I don't. But I guess that is a good thing I figure that out now other than getting a job somewhere and realizing it isn't what I expected.) As my college career is winding down and people are asking me what I will be doing after I graduate, I kinda have never been more uncertain, and that kinda scares me sometimes (but only sometimes because I am doing a terrible job of thinking far enough into the future to try to figure out how to get a specific job I want.) I think it still holds true that the thing I really want to do is be on a tour, and I know starting off as a tour manager just won't happen, so I shouldn't even set that as my goal upon graduating…but figuring out how I can at least get on someone's tour. The bad thing about it though, is that also throughout the last couple of years my music preferences have changed a lot and I would actually prefer not to be on a big country music tour. I quite enjoy the smaller more intimate shows better with a smaller crew…and more specifically the singer/songwriter style. And this is where 10 out of Tenn comes in and why I would want this internship. I'm sure if you have been reading the blog I might have mentioned 10 out of Tenn who are basically 10 singer/songwriters out of Nashville that tour together…I think that if somehow I can get connected in with that group I could AT LEAST get some good contacts. But, they have yet to contact me back yet, which brings me back to Revolution Pictures.
Revolution Pictures is a company that produces music videos (mostly for country music artists I believe, not positive…and big names at that…which is actually kinda a turn-off, but also is really good in its own right) After realizing i'm not sure I would enjoy just any job in the music business, I went back to my original career thought of working in tv/film. …which is partially the reason why I really wanted to do Belmont West this year in LA but, that fell threw so, I guess it just wasn't supposed to happen…and I hope God has better plans for me in Nashville! haha ;) So anyway, before even thinking about the music business thing and Belmont, I was thinking I wanted to work in film. I even remember when I was a senior in high school when Mom, Aunt Lori, Hannah and I went to a Keith Urban/Carrie Underwood concert in Jacksonville and we passed a semi with the NBC logo on it. As it passed I took a picture and added as a caption when I uploaded it to Facebook (I will work for them some day) So I guess I wanted to do that even before music business. I really quite enjoy making all my videos on my laptop and shooting videos and doing photography and editing the photo's so, I didn't think film would be too far of a leap. I know everyone in my family would probably be opposed to the idea but, if there was anyway that after I graduated and I hadn't found a music job in nashville or anywhere but applied for a P.A job for some film company or tv show, I would really take it. although that would mean moving to California (and now you understand the family not being happy part.) I would absolutely LOVE getting up and going to work on a TV or movie set…for others, maybe they wouldn't find as much joy, but I think it would be a lot of fun! So, if I find myself jobless in May and a company is looking for a PA or a new crew member who knows, maybe i'll be moving to another sunny state. So anyway, although Revolution Pictures does music videos, it is still film and would be able to give me much needed experience around professional camera's, sets, and just film in general. So I guess there you have it…all the stuff that has been going threw my mind for the past…hmm, year regarding my future. I heard a song tonight (the one mentioned above in the first little part ^) that I hadn't heard in a while which kinda got me thinking about the future again, yet also a little scared at the same time knowing that probably neither of these things will work out for me. I have actually talked about and posted this song once before on this site but, since it is relevant to the rest of the post and my life, I will post it again. It, of course, is by Missy Higgins. I love the video that I have because it has some explanation at the beginning and I think the explanation is perfect. This song/scenario is one of my fears…that May will finally come and it turns out to be nothing like I had planned or expected. That I find myself standing there with a diploma, finally, but nowhere to go. That all these dreams and thoughts and fantasies I made up in my head were only there, in my head, and will never actually become a reality. BUT, in Amy fashion, I only think about it for a short period of time because what do I care, it is only August and all of this will be going down in May so, I still have time. (I am a great procrastinator.) And with that, I go back to my own little world where somehow everything is going to work out and I will either be on a tour or working on a set in possibly a year from now…because I like it better there (in my head) it's funner and less stressful than reality.
And with that I have written a novel that absolutely NO ONE wanted to read…or in my case, stopped reading a quarter of the way through i'm sure. So I shall leave you with my song I will be singing in May because i'm almost certain that will be my exact predicament. Until tomorrow night...
Revolution Pictures is a company that produces music videos (mostly for country music artists I believe, not positive…and big names at that…which is actually kinda a turn-off, but also is really good in its own right) After realizing i'm not sure I would enjoy just any job in the music business, I went back to my original career thought of working in tv/film. …which is partially the reason why I really wanted to do Belmont West this year in LA but, that fell threw so, I guess it just wasn't supposed to happen…and I hope God has better plans for me in Nashville! haha ;) So anyway, before even thinking about the music business thing and Belmont, I was thinking I wanted to work in film. I even remember when I was a senior in high school when Mom, Aunt Lori, Hannah and I went to a Keith Urban/Carrie Underwood concert in Jacksonville and we passed a semi with the NBC logo on it. As it passed I took a picture and added as a caption when I uploaded it to Facebook (I will work for them some day) So I guess I wanted to do that even before music business. I really quite enjoy making all my videos on my laptop and shooting videos and doing photography and editing the photo's so, I didn't think film would be too far of a leap. I know everyone in my family would probably be opposed to the idea but, if there was anyway that after I graduated and I hadn't found a music job in nashville or anywhere but applied for a P.A job for some film company or tv show, I would really take it. although that would mean moving to California (and now you understand the family not being happy part.) I would absolutely LOVE getting up and going to work on a TV or movie set…for others, maybe they wouldn't find as much joy, but I think it would be a lot of fun! So, if I find myself jobless in May and a company is looking for a PA or a new crew member who knows, maybe i'll be moving to another sunny state. So anyway, although Revolution Pictures does music videos, it is still film and would be able to give me much needed experience around professional camera's, sets, and just film in general. So I guess there you have it…all the stuff that has been going threw my mind for the past…hmm, year regarding my future. I heard a song tonight (the one mentioned above in the first little part ^) that I hadn't heard in a while which kinda got me thinking about the future again, yet also a little scared at the same time knowing that probably neither of these things will work out for me. I have actually talked about and posted this song once before on this site but, since it is relevant to the rest of the post and my life, I will post it again. It, of course, is by Missy Higgins. I love the video that I have because it has some explanation at the beginning and I think the explanation is perfect. This song/scenario is one of my fears…that May will finally come and it turns out to be nothing like I had planned or expected. That I find myself standing there with a diploma, finally, but nowhere to go. That all these dreams and thoughts and fantasies I made up in my head were only there, in my head, and will never actually become a reality. BUT, in Amy fashion, I only think about it for a short period of time because what do I care, it is only August and all of this will be going down in May so, I still have time. (I am a great procrastinator.) And with that, I go back to my own little world where somehow everything is going to work out and I will either be on a tour or working on a set in possibly a year from now…because I like it better there (in my head) it's funner and less stressful than reality.
And with that I have written a novel that absolutely NO ONE wanted to read…or in my case, stopped reading a quarter of the way through i'm sure. So I shall leave you with my song I will be singing in May because i'm almost certain that will be my exact predicament. Until tomorrow night...
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Wednesday August 3, 2011
Oh Regina. Now I understand when people said this wasn't a very good or big one. Well, my first pick-up today was at 4…and collecting the aprons and counting them took just a little over 30 minutes. Then another at 7 and so on for the evening. Basically, it wasn't a busy day, haha. I did go and walk around for a bit and on my way to the exhibit building there was a hypnotist show going on that was just starting so i stopped to watch. When I saw the end of the other one in Calgary it made me want to see one from the beginning and let me just say, I still find all of that stuff so crazy! I kinda want to try to get hypnotized cause I don't really think that it could work for me. It is just crazy how quickly these people fall into…well…whatever happens to them when they are hypnotized. So anyway, that was pretty funny. But on a more serious note, right after we opened Buni was coming back from the pool tables and fell and hurt her elbow. Turns out it looked pretty bad and she ended up going to the hospital because she thought it was broken. I think the doctors said it was a strain or a fracture or something but, i'm sure she is in some pain. So I took over any office duties today and closed and whatnot and hopefully she can just rest for these next few days and I can do basically aaalmost anything that needs to be done in the office. I mean, I wouldn't be able to get the rent money together and do al that stuff but, other than that I could work on anything else and let her chill. …so I guess at least maybe i'll stay a little more busy than I would otherwise? haha. So anyway, I guess that is that. Sister Act 2 was on tonight and I was able to catch that; such a great movie. But hmm, I guess there really isn't much more to say about today. Still excited about seeing and hanging out with the fam at the lake…it is coming up so quickly I can't believe it! Only 4 more days. Well, alright, that's all by me. Hope you are doing well. Until tomorrow night...
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Tuesday August 2, 2011
Well shoot, I hate it when I get distracted on my computer and forget about updating this thing until I am tired and right before I go to bed? haha. oh well. Anyway, We are now officially in Regina and opening day is tomorrow. Today we ran errands- did laundry, looked for parts to a water filter, food shopping, got my space bags (yay!) and set up the office. It shouldn't be a hard fair seeing as it is only 5 days and we are putting up 5 games instead of the normal 8 we have. …I have a feeling I will be having more down time that usual…which may or may not be a good thing! haha. So anyway, that's basically what went down today. And I was actually able to see one of the tv shows I follow new episode on tv! Pretty Little liars season premiere was the day after I left so I have been keeping up with the show online doing google searches to find it on (what i'm sure is an illegal) website. (since I can't watch any of these shows on the shows website in Canada) But tonight was a new episode and I was able to catch it on Bea's tv! So I did that tonight then found online the new episode of Rizzoli and Isles that I had missed from last night (monday.) So anyway, a nice rather chill night. Which, I guess I should mention, it is/was my moms birthday!! It sounded like they had some fun plans being in St. Augustin and all. I wish I could've been there to celebrate and join in on the fun but, what can ya do. At least i'll be home to have some fun and hang out for the lake house! Which, have I mentioned, I am very excited about. But anyway, happy birthday mom, I love you! So I guess I should call it quits now. Maybe try to get some sleep. (although I just almost accidentally discovered about 2 hours ago that Buni's wifi can be reached from my bed sooo…that doesn't help with my ADD and sometimes mild form of insomnia. (I may or may not have already watched 6 videos on youtube from interviews on Jimmy Kimmel, haha!…which, by the way again, took like…the whole 2 hours to load…I guess individually, so it wasn't that bad) But anywho, I digress. Here's to hoping I will close my computer at least within the hour…although I am not making any promises. ;) Until tomorrow night...
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Monday August 1, 2011
Hello. Well, it is now Tuesday night and I am just updating to let everyone know I indeed did not write on Monday night. You see, Monday we traveled to Regina from Edmonton. It was a long day of driving...especially with my cold...and I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. Anyway, I shall update more about Monday on Tuesday's entry...which I will be doing here in an hour or so, haha! Only 5 more days! Dang, I can't believe it! Until next time...
Sunday July 31, 2011
Well, tonight ended up to be not as late as I thought, I actually ended up leaving the office a little before 3 so, not bad at all! Today was a pretty good day, not too packed actually which kinda makes my job a little easier, haha. But my cold I think got a little better so, that's nice. I mean, it's not gone but, better nonetheless. Well, I guess since it is monday I can officially say that I head home in a week! I'm really looking forward to the lake as soon as I get home and hanging out with the family! Well, tomorrow will be an earlier departure time than usual i believe since we open in Regina on Wednesday so, busy next couple days…if not for me, for everyone else on the crew at least, haha. But on Wednesday or Thursday I am supposed to have an interview with a company that produces music videos via Skype so, that should be interesting. Well, now i'm just chillin watching criminal minds or some show like that and i think i'll probably get some sleep soon. Here's to one last good week! Until next time...
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Tonight I was on Youtube watching a show and when it ended, for some reason, on the home screen was my face.....from 2012. How did THAT get ...
I've been meaning to write this update for a few days now, but have been rather busy so lacked the time. Driving home from work the othe...
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Well, it has been about 2 weeks, but I've not had much to say...well, nothing new at least. But, I was listening to this song today and ...