I am currently working background right now on Bones, just finished the book I’ve been reading and have nothing left to do. I got here at 11:30...it is currently 6:30 and I have been on set for maaaybe 20 minutes of my day. Since I have already watched a movie (Her) and finished the book I brought, I figured I could write a blog post since I haven’t written in a while. Not quite sure what to say, since I always just end up on soapboxes, talking about my boring schedule, or topics that make people uncomfortable.
I guess I could say though, do you ever read a book and then are not quite sure how to feel when it’s over? That’s where I’m at. Like I want to talk about it but I don’t even know what to say. The book I just finished is entitled Ask The Passengers. It made me angry, it made me laugh, it made me sad, it made me happy. It made me wish the world was different and that I could comfort and yell at every high school student. My high school days were pretty good if I remember, but sometimes I don’t think society gives high school kids enough credit or sympathy….or sometimes maybe they do, too much.? Anyway, in the book the main character girl mainly has a rough time. I could sympathize with her a lot, but then again, her home life was a little saddening. It took me back to the small town where everyone needs to be perfect and reputation is everything. Where high school kids could be such jerks and people are so small minded and ignorant. She comes home to a home where her mom only sees perfection in her sister, so she is basically always ignored or thought down of by half of her family. She struggles with and is accused of things and doesn’t even feel like she can talk to her family about it, that they won’t listen...and it was partially true. Even when she spoke her truth they still wouldn’t listen or understand. That is painful to read and witness...even if only in a fictional world, because I know it happens.
Although I was never really one to spill my guts to people, it was still good to know that I probably could and I had (have) people/family that will listen and love me. Although at the end of the book it does leave us on an optimistic note and all is (somewhat) good. But what made me frustrated was society. When because of society humans think we need to act, present, and label ourselves a certain way, it can invade our homes and schools and leave kids no place to escape the pressure. Pressure that is not even needed in the first place.
The main character has to do a Socrates project, to choose a paradox, to explain it and challenge the rest of the school with it. Her first draft was equality is obvious. Which it is...which is should be, but it isn’t. We are no where near reaching human equality in the world. Why? Why do humans still feel the need to limit others worth, just because they are different. Dumb. Anyway, as life happened, our main character changed her project topic and paradox...nobody’s perfect. Everyone is obsessed with being perfect, but why? Is there anything in the world that is perfect? Or is just everything perfect? If so, why the need to strive for perfection. Can there even be a universal perfection? What is it then? Mentally, aesthetically, socially? Which of the 3 takes top billing? Perfection is just a word we made up...but for what? To make us feel worse or better about ourselves? To give us something to strive for? Whatever it is or whatever the reason, it’s dumb.
I just write this post to say…..well, I already said it. I didn’t really know where I was headed when I started, but I guess I ended up here. Still trying not to get upset and aggravated that this book reminded me that society is annoying. How vague was this whole post? Haha. It may just make sense to me since I am referencing a book none of you have read, but oh well. I’ll be done now. Peace.
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