Thursday, December 31, 2015

Things you already know and 2016 plans

Well, time to do my end of the year blog update. I’ve noticed I’ve only blogged 3 times this year, and all really mainly having to do with work, so I’ll try not to bore you with repeat info. 2015 was kind of a record breaking year for me. The day after I landed back in town after New Years last year I was already booked and back to work day playing on shows, working almost every day until my South America trip. Wowee, what a great trip that was. Aaron and I explored Brazil, Argentina, and Chile. One of the prettiest I have ever been. I got back in town just in time to staff my first tv series….now, I had been staff on shows before, but all mainly indie features, not tv. I’d been working in TV for a little while at that point, but only day playing, so I was pretty excited for this. The show was called Casual (Golden Globe nomiated ;) and it was a great experience. A few days after we wrapped I flew to Florida for a quick trip home before heading off on my European adventure. It went: Ireland, Scotland, London, Germany, Switzerland, Austria. And boy was that an adventure as well. Traveling is the best. So I flew back from Germany to LA and the very next day boarded a flight to Louisiana. Now, Aaron had originally planned on taking the Europe trip with me but wasn’t able to end up coming because he got booked to work on this movie in Louisiana. I told him that I would come out and visit and he said he could probably get me booked on the movie for at least a couple days…..well, 3.5 weeks later of working in the blazing Louisiana dust bowl I get a text to run base camp again on another new tv series so it was back to LA I went. I got back and the next day had my prep day for Superstore, which we all by now know about. (Fingers crossed for season 2!) I went straight from Superstore to working on an HBO pilot and that was a pretty good one as well! If I didn’t like Lena Dunham before, I surely loved her now!! One of the best directors I have worked with. So gracious. The pilot ended just in time for Thanksgiving and for me to just hang out and chill, day playing on shows between then and when I had one more pilot to round out the year the week before I flew home for Christmas. The majority of the crew was from Superstore and we even filmed in the Superstore stage one day, so it was a nice little reunion! Not that you needed it because everyone that reads this obviously keeps up with me on Facebook, but there’s a little (or maybe not so little?) summary of my year! If I can keep this same pattern for 2016 (the rest of my life) it is sure to be another good one! Work>travel>work>travel>work>relax>repeat. 

As I mentioned above, I’ve noticed most of my blogs have to do with work….but I’ve traveled so much this year that I feel like those stories deserve screen time in the wringing out of my memories as well, so something that I’ll be starting in 2016 is a travel website/blog! I’m kinda excited about it! I think it’ll be fun not only going back and writing about my past trips and going through those pictures, but to better document my future trips as well. Coming up in 2016 I already have a pretty solid schedule for the first half of the year (which is kinda surprising for me for this industry to already know my plans/job 5 months in advance! Haha) Starting in January I will be working on a DirectTV show with a couple ADs I’ve never worked with a matter of fact, I don’t know any of the other PAs as well, just 1 of the ADs, so I’m sure it’ll be an experience! That is a very quick show that I’ll only be on for a month and then a few days after I wrap that we start season 2 of Casual! This season we will be filming 13 episodes instead of 10 that we filmed last year for season 1. I haven’t gotten my schedule yet, but that’ll take me until mid-May, just in time to do some traveling!! I believe my options at this point are either a Europe trip with my BFF and roommate Kelly, or a trip to Africa with my other BFF and life partner Aaron. Either way, I can’t go wrong! I’m hoping maybe I can AD an indie after that and maaaybe start up Superstore season 2 after that to close out the year?? (A girl can dream) Wow guys, my life has really started to fall together! This year I’ll have enough days to turn my book in to the DGA for the third area days (near the end of the year) so these next couple of years will definitely be interesting! 

Thanks so much for keeping up with me this year, it was a wild one! I laughed, I cried, I blew a tire in the middle of nowhere in Chile, I spent my birthday with a half drunk man in a cemetery in Edinburgh, I trekked on a glacier, I worked on a Golden Globe nominated show, I took a 46 hour train ride from Chicago to Portland, I had my name scroll through on the credits on national television, I started liking someone again and learned I am not good with rejection, I binge watched so many tv series in 1 weekend, I woke up at 315am for work, I slept in till 1130 because I didn’t have to work, I introduced someone new to Mosaic, I got evacuated from Mosaic because of a bomb scare, I laughed, I cried. 

Thanks 2015. 

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