Sunday, December 4, 2011

Hear Me Out. Spread The Love.

After seeing 3 different people post this video on Facebook and Twitter I decided I should probably watch it. It is heartbreaking. What is so wrong with society that this kid had to start cutting himself in second grade? I mean, I know kids can be mean and bullies, but where are all the adults? What are the teachers up to, do they see this going on? Does no one notice any of his scars?

Now, i've never actually been bullied, but I do know what it is like to be an feel like you are on the outside looking in, to not have many friends and to be mad at yourself. I could feel his tears. I have no idea why kids would be so cruel as to call this kid all these names. From the sound of it, maybe they think he is gay. Now is he? I have no idea; I mean, he is only in 8th grade so can we cut this kid some slack? And so what if he is? Does that give kids a free pass to bully and teachers a free pass to look away?

I get it, everyone has their own beliefs and their own views but a difference of opinion shouldn't foster hate. Given the fact that I have grown up in a Christian environment and going to church all my life, I know how almost everyone around me feels about this subject, which is why I haven't really spoken up about it until now whenever I see things like this happen. I've heard it in my own family. We think being gay is a sin so it is ok to look down on people and call them names and make them feel terrible about it...cause it is something you don't agree with or understand. But since when did God say it was ok to go around and turn a blind eye on bullying since it was to a person you think is less than yourself? Or think, 'I will bully or let this bullying slide because who the person is is something I don't want to stand up for or support.' they deserve the nasty looks and remarks they get.

Look, people are different. I don't get a lot of people and i'm sure a ton of people do not get me, but I think it's about time to put these differences aside and try to work on a more loving and civilized society...and that goes for everyone. Smile when you pass a homeless man on the street. Be patient when there is an elderly person trying to cross the street and you are waiting to turn. How about not judging the guy or girl next to you in line who has a lot of tattoos and has gauges in their ears.  Be kind to that one person that always seems to be picked on, for whatever reason. Befriend the outcast and love them too, in spite of who they are or what they believe.

Now, i'm not trying make people change their minds on what they believe is right or wrong...all i'm looking for is a little bit more compassion and love. Even if it is to those you don't agree with. That's all. Because truth of the matter, where do you think these kids get the idea to bully each other and who to pick on? From their examples. People they watch; their parents and society. So that's where this change needs to start. With adults, with society, with you, with me. 

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Semester Is Coming To A Close...Or, Glee now runs my life.

Well, when I came on here to update I realized it has been over a month since I have last updated. I'm trying to think about what I have been doing over this past month but I don't even know. Not too much. I guess last update was a couple weeks before Thanksgiving break which always tends to be when the mid-term paper and tests occur. But I think what has really kept me from updating, apart from the fact that I have absolutely nothing to say, is that I have pretty comfortably settled into the "senioritis" season of the year. Especially now more than ever, i guess, I find procrastination and any work whatsoever having to do with school is almost lost with me. So, one might wonder what I have been doing whilst I procrastinate and dread almost any form of homework and writing papers. TV. It is very sad yet true. I think it is official that TV has now taken over the largest chunk of my life. Keeping up with all the shows I love takes a lot of time! And not only the shows I have always loved but new ones as well. Here is the breakdown: Tuesdays- Glee and The Biggest Loser. Wednesday- Modern Family. Thursday- Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, Parks and Rec, Bones. Sunday- The Amazing Race. I believe those are all the shows I follow on a weekly basis. (But, luckily for me, Glee had a nice 3 week hiatus in there and Grey's Anatomy's last episode of the year was like, 3 weeks ago so...that's that.) However, Rizzoli and Isles just returned this Monday for 5 new episodes this season so, that will be taking the place of Grey's while they are out. Back at square one.

So let me just talk about my latest obsession at the moment and if you ever see my updates on Facebook you might be aware: Glee. I had casually been watching the show off and on since its first season but I haven't seen every episode. For some reason I decided to follow some of the cast on Twitter a while back and then found myself (maybe at the beginning of the school year?) watching a lot of cast interviews and whatnot on youtube. I decided I would watch season 3 when it returned and it's been pretty good, some episodes better than others, but the more I watched their videos the more I fell in love with this cast. So, I recently decided I would start from season 1 episode 1 cause I realized I hadn't even seen half of season one and I have only seen probably less than half of season 2. So I just got done with season 1 and I have got to admit, I ended up loving it a lot more than I thought. Like, some topics that Glee addresses (and a few back in this season and the end of season 2) I found to be a little ridiculous and maybe not handled in...well, i dunno, the best or most encouraging way. I thought the show had always been like this but in season 1, they really did have some great lessons and as whole I can see why it was such a successful and moving show, especially when it first came out in season 1. It encouraged people that it was ok to be different, or who you are and accepting of everyone and that bullying is just, well, annoying. It showed its ok to stand up for yourself and stand up for your friends and fight for what you believe in. It showed that friends and relationships are important and being part of something greater than just yourself is so rewarding. It made me miss being on a team. A place where a group of people gathers where you can lean on each other and you are all working together to achieve a goal. A team where everyone is friends and no matter what, you still have each other, memories, and a good time. I know no one I know gets into tv shows like I do but, it takes me away to how things were or how I want things to be and gives me hope. Maybe I don't have that group of people or team atmosphere in my life anymore, but at one point I did and in the future I hope to have it again. So now, whether anyone else thinks it's annoying or likes it or not, I am invested in these Glee characters and this club. It sounds cheesy and like i'm a complete nerd (cause I am) but i've gotten addicted to this show and I just can't stop! (You are lucky I am writing this now instead of already starting season 2!) Yea, the show is reeeally ridiculous sometimes and Matt Morrison (aka Will Shuster) gets on my nerves most times than not, but I love it. I get to be apart of that little group at McKinley and live out the person either I never was or I kinda wish I could be (mainly because I can't sing at all, however I love singing so, this is unfortunate) Anyway, I have now been able to write however long on my love for Glee while I still have a 5 page African American History paper to write and the final exam/essay for that class to think about. Like I said, TV has taken over my life. So, that being to join my friends and start season 2. If you need me on Tuesday nights at 7, I can be found watching season 3. ;)

Guys, update. I am just watching episode 1 of season 2 and I forgot to mention also how much I love watching their musical numbers :) They are actually really good. I mean it's like, a combination of my 2 favorite things, tv and music. What is not to love?? Rant over.

Friday, October 28, 2011

What does it matter?

It is only 12 o'clock, yet there has been an unavoidable theme to my day so far. Not anything that has really happened to me, but more outside forces that i've observed. I'll start from the beginning.

I'm walking to my first class and a song came up on my ipod, one that I really enjoy and have even quoted on my Facebook. As I was listening to the song, I heard a part of the song that I have never really payed attention to before; the part was as follows: "‎My comfort and my glory are shakin' when I see that my life's not a story about me. So stay humble, humble, humble." (As seen by my most recent Facebook status update) So upon returning to my apartment I decide to add that as my status and continue my day. Walking to my next class I hear another song on my ipod by Ben Rector called "Song For The Suburbs." If I could quote the whole song I would, but for the purpose of this post I guess I will just include the bridge and chorus, "Are we just running in the dark or living, are we just running in the dark or living? Cause I wanna live until I die, don't let the devil bury me alive, when my heart stops let me go home don't the let suburbs kill my heart and soul." After hearing that one I thought I should probably post that to Facebook as well, because lets face it, of course everyone cares about what music I post on Facebook, hahahah (that was a joke.) Anyway, so I arrive to class (African American History) and I can't help but notice what we were talking about tied into these songs a little. You see, this whole week we have been doing nothing but reading the book and talking about Invisible Man, and to set up a theme encountered in the book, we were talking about history and its roll in the past. What history is. Who writes it, what it means. And this all lead up to his point, (and I wish I could remember his exact quote because it was so funny, yet honest and he said what we might think is scary at the same time, but) that we are all doomed to obscurity. None of us (really) will live in history, be wrote about in the books. We will be forgotten...I mean, sure our family and friends will remember us for a short amount of time, but soon enough they will forget and the people that knew us will die too and that will be it, our lives just left in obscurity and nothingness (I mean, for the most part, I don't want to get all religious or start any debates up in here.)

So it got me thinking, what does it all matter? Really. And not only does our life not matter, but i'm reminded that our lives are short. So short, like a mist sprayed from a bottle (or whatever mist comes out of.) So why do people worry so much? Why do I worry so much. About my future, job, whatever. Shouldn't we just all strive to be happy and make others happy? Love. Do what you want to do, because in the end what really matters? It isn't like anyone will remember you anyway. Some might find this sad or depressing, but no one cares. (I mean, obviously people do and God loves you and whatnot...but in relation to the rest of the world and time and history, not so much.) So why would someone care if I got a tattoo, why do I care or have to have a job in the entertainment industry? So from now on, lets try not to worry so much. Especially on the things we can't control. God's got it all covered. I want to be happy, that's about it. Part of that happiness comes from others happiness, some of it comes from music, some of it comes from nature and photography, some of it comes from knowing God's love for me and serving Him, and some of it even comes from my hopes and aspirations to work in film (I find nothing wrong with that.) So whenever anyone asks me what I want to do after I graduate or for the summer or even next weekend, my answer is going to be, be happy. Whatever and where ever that might be. 

And for anyone interested in my two lovely songs, take a listen: "Stay Humble" Tyler James:

And "Song for the Suburbs" Ben Rector:

Friday, October 21, 2011

Blast From The Past- Xanga

For some reason, I ended up at my old blog spot, Xanga, today. If you aren't familiar with Xanga, it was like, the first social media site that was big with my friends. I don't even think Facebook had been invented yet and Myspace just wasn't good enough for my highly intellectual group of friends, haha ;) I apparently joined in 2005 when I was 15 and my last post was in 2008 i believe, but really only posted through 2007. Which was basically the chunk of my high school years. So, for a while today I was going back and reading all of my blog updates and the comments on them. It is so funny going back and looking at not only my posts but the comments on them as well. Sometimes I forget what life was like in high school, but after reading my blog I am reminded it was school, sports, and church, that's about it, haha. There was a lot of good times and good friendships though, and I kind of miss it. ...weeell. haha. But if you think my english/grammer/spelling is bad now, woah buddy just read what I was writting in high school! haha. Boy was I a terrible speller (and still am, but thank God for Google Chrome!) You know, I always thought it was weird how people would keep journals and stuff, but looking back Xanga pretty much was my journal. I wrote down my thoughts and what happened that day or week. Now I really enjoy going back and reading entries to see what exactly was going on in my life at that point in time. ...which is what i'm hoping I will be able to do with there here blog. I mean, I don't have that much meaningful stuff to say, and yea, most of the time it is just a mess but it's who i am. And I know that one day I will be able to look back on this blog and on this entry and be like, "oh amy..." So you know, I don't even care that no one reads this. I think it's something pretty cool to have, not only to keep me occupied when i'm bored but to have something that documents where I am right now at this point in my life. That being said, it is 8:30 and i still haven't had dinner so, I gotta go!! haha. Thanks for checking in, I hope everyone has a nice weekend! 

Oh, and if any of you are seriously bored enough and would care, here is my Xanga if you wanted to check it out in person. 

Saturday, October 1, 2011

The Smell of Home

You know those places and houses that have their own distinct smell? I remember growing up going over to my friends house (Savannah) and always knowing the smell of their house, I loved it. I know it sounds really weird, but even if she left some article of clothing (a jacket or something) in the locker room or in the classroom I, along with fellow students (I felt I should add that to sounds a little less of a creeper) would always be able to distinguish it was hers because of how it smelled. I never really thought my house had a smell and one day someone told me they liked how my house smelled, like it had a family smell...that scent was reserved for the Ergle household. I still couldn't really notice anything...until I left. After moving out, now every time I walk in the door for the first time during a break, that smell is there to welcome me home. It doesn't really last or standout as much during the rest of my stay, but that first greeting with home again always takes me back. You might be wondering why in the world I am writing about this now, but it isn't so far out of the blue, i promise. Here at school, I tend to wear a lot of the same things...i always pack and have more clothes than I actually need. So I pulled out a shirt that was kinda in the back of the drawer that I haven't worn yet for my p.j's and I smell my house. I can close my eyes, smell my shirt and it is just like I am walking in the door again for the first time after a long break. I just thought it was pretty funny how even though it has been a month and a half or so, the smell has still stayed. Well, I realized I haven't been updating as much recently and thought I could write about something other than my tv/music obsessions and my concerns about the future so, there ya go! ...I also thought this photo was funny of the welcome mat outside our house with the withering flowers. I'm pretty sure this photo was taken at least a couple of years ago but i wouldn't be surprised if that plant was still sitting around somewhere, haha. Hope everyone's had a good weekend! Thanks for reading.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Long time no update (kinda)...and I like to ramble.

It has come to my attention that I haven't posted in a while...the reason being I have nothing worthwhile to say but, I can hear you telling yourself "that has never stopped her before" and you are correct. But I thought I would add a little love to my blog and update. Here's all I got:
  • I want to cut my hair...mainly because it is still really frizzy and there is nothing I can do with it, even the hair products my meme gave me can't tame it. I feel if I cut it, there will be less hair to manage and get frizzy. (nothing to crazy, like shoulder length)
  • I am a huge procrastinator, like terribly so, but today and recently it has become especially bad with stuff for school...and mainly because it is reading..and also because it is for school. For example: 
    • I need to have to page 195 of Invisible Man read by Wednesday and I am only on page 151...however, I am proud that I have been keeping up with the reading schedule so far and have managed to even read that many! 
    • There is a book we need to read for my marketing of recorded music class called Hit Men. We don't even talk or do anything with this book in class so I find it kind of pointless, but we have to be reading it and taking quizzes online. They are all due October 21st. I think there are around 36 quizzes or so. I have only just read half of the first chapter...and I am really unmotivated to read anymore. I mean, I am already behind on Invisible Man! There is only so much reading my little pea brain can handle!!
    • Also, i'm sure there is a bunch of other stuff for school I am not doing but, I try to block it all out from my brain to not think about it. (bad idea)
      • just remembered, I need to be working on a paper for my African American history class. I should be e-mailing the teacher a topic to do it on sometime this week. It needs to be on integrating Invisible Man into other topics we have talked about in class and in the text book. (we have 3 texts that we are reading at the same time for that I said, a lot of reading) And the whole paper is just making me more resistant to working on it because it just sounds like a lot of work and reading. 
Well, now that I have bored you with my boredom of school these days...I shall bore you more about whats been picking at my brain this week. (well, it is only Monday but, I always have a lot on my mind, haha)

Ever since I saw pictures and then set foot out in the Pacific Northwest I fell in love. It is, in my opinion, the prettiest part of the country I have seen. Is is so outdoorsy, and pretty, and full of creeks, and waterfalls, and pretty trees, I mean, I could just go on and on. So anyway, waaay back in the day when I was obsessed with Taylor Swift (oh gosh, God help poor little soul, haha) I made a little group of friends online that were Taylor fans too. We all had myspaces and stalked Taylor and then became friends...i dunno, after seeing each other on taylors page so much? I don't even know anymore, haha. But anyway, so there is this girl and her name is Caitlyn. She is from the UK and we would message back and forth. We were friends for quite some time but you know, people get lives and myspace, well, is that a thing anymore even? haha. Well, we are friends on Facebook and I saw where not last summer but the summer before she came to America for the summer to work at a girl scout camp in Washington. I saw all of her pictures and got extremely jealous. It looked like a lot of fun and come on, the views and scenery were incredible! So this past summer I messaged her and asked about her experience and whatnot, she loved and highly recommended it. I actually thought about applying but, i'm sure my parents would have shot down the idea so, i just let it be. Anyway, I see again this summer where she is coming back to America and is going to be going to the University of Oregon. Because of the new Facebook changes, I am now seeing more of people that I normally didn't see updates from and she's been updating pictures from her time there so far. Today she uploaded pictures from her weekend where her and a group of friends went hiking and saw great waterfalls and beautiful trees. Anyway, it made me jealous. Jealous that she lived so close to all the prettyness (I just made a new word, deal with it) and that even though I did the same thing this weekend, I had to drive 2 hours on the interstate to get there...and it wasn't even as pretty as where they were!! So anyway, I have been thinking a lot lately that I reeeeally want to live out in the Pacific Northwest at some point in my life before I die. Not sure when, for how long, or what I would be doing there...but enjoying nature I suppose!! So anyway, there you have it and now you know. There is one of the places I must return. 

I know this has already been fairly long and boring so I won't type about anymore topics, but as mentioned above I did go hiking this weekend! Although I went at it alone (in Amy fashion) it was a lot of fun and I enjoyed myself. It was to a place 2 hours south west of here called Fall Creek Falls. It was great, I could literally stay in a 50 ft radius around a creek and be occupied for hours with my camera. (which is almost what happened, haha) So, here is a pic for your viewing pleaser. Keep an eye out for a whole album coming soon to Facebook. Thanks for reading and have a lovely week!!
...ok, I decided to add two. sorry.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Blogspot/Google is reeeally gettin' on my nerves -__-

After about 30 minutes of trying to log into this dang site, I have finally made it! When I came to do my first update since being back last week, it also took me a while to log on. For some reason, google wouldn't load this page and then it kept taking me to the my.belmont page to log in then it wouldn't let me log out of my belmont account that showed up when I was in is just a mess. So i'm guessing this all might have to do with the fact that I have 2 google accounts. One that is with school that is connected to a pop account and then one that I have on my own...and also the fact that I don't even use my google account to log onto blogspot, I signed up with my yahoo e-mail address! haha. But, I digress. I just had to get that out because it has been reeeally frustratin' me and who am I kiddin' it isn't like anyone reads this thing anyway, haha. In spite of that last comment, I will still spare anyone the boredom of my update about Monday night (when I went to an amaaaazing show by Butterfly Boucher and Katie Herzig (two of my new favorite artists) and saw Missy Higgins there. ...cause anyone who reads this must be aware with my obsession appreciation of Missy.) (which, by the way, she left Nashville today...thought I should add)

Ok, so, I have a couple of topics I feel I could write about, but I feel like I have already written enough about these subjects (the future, school, a career) the past few months and wouldn't want to bore you even more. However, I am interning right now and literally have nothing else to do (other than input cd's, but how easy and un-time consuming is that? exactly.) So I feel the only way to consume my time at the moment is type. (although I guess I could try to look over some of my finance homework but, that isn't due for another 5 days so, who am I kidding? ...also, wrote an ethics paper earlier today that is due tomorrow so, got that out of the what?) OH, OK, I thought of a topic.

I'm so excited about so much new music coming out soon! (three of which I have already mentioned just two paragraphs up, it shouldn't be too hard of a guess) But there was a cd that came out yesterday that is great and I would really recommend! Also, seeing as so many people are dumbfounded by the fact I don't listen to country to much anymore, I believe this is a good socially acceptable cd that would be a good example of the music I am in to (since everyone/anyone i've ever shown Missy Higgins to hates her -___-) SO ANYWAY, here it is, you ready? The cd that I bought today iiiis: Ben Rector. I listened to it on the way to, from, and once I got back from class. It really is a great cd. Actually, I need to correct myself, the cd is actually entitled Something Like This, byyy Ben Rector. But anyway, if anyone has an extra minute, they should go find it on iTunes and listen to the little snippets of the songs. Or, I will include a little youtube video on here of a preview of the cd...although it isn't that long or a preview of much of the songs so, I still recommend checking out iTunes. ;)

Alright well, THAT'S ALL FOLKS. I won't bore you any longer. You're welcome.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Internship season is in full swing and you know what that means!

Well, well, well. It has been quite some time. This good ole blog and I got to know each other quite well this summer, but I seem to have abandoned it for the past month. (Actually, come to think of it, I think my last entry was EXACTLY a month ago today...or at least that is when I was flying home from Regina. Man, how time flies.) Anyway, I would say I could fill you in on what has happened within that month but, i'm sure most of you have seen my Facebook at least once in that time and pretty much are caught up...for the most part.

As you could guess (well, unless you followed this blog way back in February-May) I tended to always update when I was interning. Last semester I'm sure it might have been frowned upon, but this semester at this internship, completely different story, so I don't have to feel bad about it! For those who might be unaware, I am interning this semester for a music supervisor, Rick. I go into some offices for a mastering company where Rick has all his cd's kept in their basement, and just enter the cd's into iTunes, just that simple. Yea, I might not be learning to much but, in all honesty, i am learning just as much here pretty much than I have at 2 of my other internships so, i'm not concerned. Also, there is something else i've kinda been working on. Let me inform you.

When I was searching for internships for this semester, I heard about Ten Out Of Tenn looking for an intern and thought that would be great. Well, I sent in my stuff, never heard back, end of I thought. Well, I get an e-mail from the girl last week asking if we (whoever sent stuff in to intern originally I guess) would still be willing to help out. Since I have a lot of free time now (which I am most certain I will talk about in a future entry) I told her that I could still help out, even though I do already have another internship. So she was grateful and said she would hook me up with another girl that could delegate tasks out...Sarah. So I get an e-mail from Sarah, e-mail back and forth, and she gives me some stuff to do in preparation for the tour that is coming up in a week or so now. She then says their tour manager will most likely be needing some help and she was going to give him our e-mail addresses. So last night I get an e-mail from him, end up going over to his house and met up with him, Sarah, and another chick to work on some stuff in preparation of the tour (he has just gotten back from being on the road with David Barnes) So anyway, we are over there until around 11 or so and didn't quite finish everything (well, I finished my part, then went on to help the other girl, haha) so I ended up finishing the rest of what didn't get done last night today after class. I'm glad that they over at TOT ended up reaching out and I decided to help. It is not only some more contacts that I get but it also has been keeping me a little more busy...which is always a good thing. Not sure if I would be able to add this as an internship on my resume, but I think looking over contracts and putting together tour books is good experience. So anyway, that is what has been going on intern wise lately...which I think no one knew about...up until today when I filled my mom in. So the tour managers name is Seth and I know he is crazy busy right now, but I think I might ask him if he wouldn't mind telling me when it gets a little less hectic how he got started and whatnot, cause I still think tour managing would be interesting...I mean, a lot of work, but fun least that is what I guess. I also realized more tonight during my marketing of recorded music class where I want my future career to head...or not head, but I will spare you for now and save that for a later post, haha.

Well, not sure if anyone cares or is even going to read this's kinda been good reacquainting with my blog. Thanks if you made it this far! Man, you are one of a kind!! haha.

Also, I want to change my title of the blog for this semester. Any ideas are welcomed.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Sunday August 7, 2011

Well, it is all over. I leave tomorrow and I have got to say, this has probably been one of the best summer's in the past couple of years. Although I am excited to head home and see the family, I think I am going to miss being out here and the people. Steve, Wally, Lynn, Randy, Claude, Savannah, Alex, Piper…i've spent my last month and even longer with them so and i've really enjoyed their company…and not to mention Buni, who I am very appreciative of for letting me even join her out here to help for the summer. She has been so great to work with this summer, it really made it a fun one. Well anyway, my plane leaves tomorrow at 2 so i'll have to get to the airport around 12 or so since it'll be an international flight. And speaking of flights, I really hope none of mine are delayed seeing as I no longer have a working phone…which I am ok with cause I don't use my phone that much anyway (that would require me to have people that wanted to talk to me…which fortunately or unfortunately I don't, haha!) although does seem to be a little inconvenient when traveling to another country, changing planes and having people pick you up. But I have faith that everything will go just as planned and my parents will be picking me up around 11:15 right at security at MCO…or at least hopefully. …although by the time I will be able to upload this online I will more than likely be back in Florida for a little while. So anyway, seeing as it is now 4:00am (well, I did of course have to stay up and watch I Love Lucy after getting the office all organized, getting home and showered and all ;) haha. But that's all from me from tonight (or technically this morning.) Until next time...

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Saturday August 6, 2011

Well, I don't really feel like updating tonight…don't think it will break anyone's heart. Although I do have one thing to say; I have a new favorite TV show/person. I Love Lucy. It has been playing all day on the Hallmark Channel and is/she is HI-larious. Anyway, that's all. Until next time...

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Friday August 5, 2011

And so another day has come and gone. I can't believe there are only 2 days left; where in the world has the summer gone? I guess thinking back I have been out here for a while, but then again at the same time, I can't believe there are only 2 more days. As much fun as I had out here and i'm sure will miss it, I am actually looking forward to heading home too, to have a couple weeks to hang out with the family before having to head back to nashville for the semester. So what about today? much like yesterday, not to much to update about…other than my interview I had (which seems like so long ago now, haha) It actually went really well and I know I would enjoy interning there, so i guess I just have to wait and see now. They have a few more interviews over the next few days/week so, i'm not going to get my hopes up, but it would a good experience none the less going through the application process.

Watched an episode of Grey's Anatomy today and I almost forgot how much I love that show. If you don't know already, I am kinda obsessed with Grey's Anatomy. Thursday's are my Grey's night and everyone knows better than to try to pry me away from the tv. Every May I get thrown into a tizzy wondering what in the world I am going to do all summer without my favorite tv show, but luckily this year some other shows have fallen into its place and being here in Canada has made me not even think about it. Tonight I watched an episode from season 6, while i must say is probably my favorite season (season 8 will start up in September) and this episode is now probably my favorite. Called "Invest In Love" it was a pretty heavy Arizona storyline, which is why I probably love it so much. There is just something about that character and the way Jessica Capshaw plays it that just makes me smile…although I must say the writers completely ruined Arizona for me a little there in season 7 so, here's to hoping they can regain my appreciation for these characters next season. Anyway, enough with the Grey's Anatomy rant, I have no idea where that came from. My deepest apologies. haha.

Alright well, I guess I will stop now as to not let anymore of my geekyness/nerd side show through (although i'm sure all of you know better.) But one more thing before I go. I have become addicted to Timbits from Tim Horton's…the chocolate glazed donut holes. um, yum. I just got a box of 10 today and had those for dinner…well, 6, and just polished off the other 4. [yea, i'm not fat or anything, haha] I'm thinkin tomorrow's food will be taco in a bag (delish!) But I shall keep you posted…i know you will be waiting on pins and needles ;) Until then...

Friday, August 5, 2011

Thursday August 4, 2011

Hellooo to my 3 readers…if you are even still there : / haha! Not to much different going on today. As I was taking my daily cleanse, I was thinking about what I could write for tonight…if there was anything new or noteworthy today, because at first thought, there wasn't. Then I figured I could talk about a song I had heard while counting the last pick-up (which I still probably will do) but then I realized I do have a smidgen piece of information. Well, I finally got an e-mail back from the woman at Revolution Pictures and we set up to do our Skype interview tomorrow at 3:30 central time (so 2:30 my time) And I must say, I am kinda nervous. Not sure why, I mean, I guess because it is an interview but…especially because it is with a film company and I don't have any experience (really) with anything like that so, I don't know what they will think of me or what they will ask. But anyway, i'm sure it will all go well and work out how it is supposed to. I haven't heard back yet from 10 out of Tenn when I sent in my resume to them so, I don't know what is going on there…I know they posted they needed an intern on twitter so maybe they have a few to go threw first? I think I might prefer interning for 10 out or Tenn more than Revolution Pictures but, I know I would enjoy both i'm sure. I guess kinda a lot has changed future career wise for my in the past year or so. I mean, not tooo much, but just a little more uncertainty. I always knew I wanted to work in the music business and thought artist management would be ok if I couldn't be a tour manager (which is what I originally wanted to do upon my departure to Belmont) But now, after my internships, i'm not to sure I really want to work for an artist management company. (…actually yea, I don't. But I guess that is a good thing I figure that out now other than getting a job somewhere and realizing it isn't what I expected.) As my college career is winding down and people are asking me what I will be doing after I graduate, I kinda have never been more uncertain, and that kinda scares me sometimes (but only sometimes because I am doing a terrible job of thinking far enough into the future to try to figure out how to get a specific job I want.) I think it still holds true that the thing I really want to do is be on a tour, and I know starting off as a tour manager just won't happen, so I shouldn't even set that as my goal upon graduating…but figuring out how I can at least get on someone's tour. The bad thing about it though, is that also throughout the last couple of years my music preferences have changed a lot and I would actually prefer not to be on a big country music tour. I quite enjoy the smaller more intimate shows better with a smaller crew…and more specifically the singer/songwriter style. And this is where 10 out of Tenn comes in and why I would want this internship. I'm sure if you have been reading the blog I might have mentioned 10 out of Tenn who are basically 10 singer/songwriters out of Nashville that tour together…I think that if somehow I can get connected in with that group I could AT LEAST get some good contacts. But, they have yet to contact me back yet, which brings me back to Revolution Pictures.

Revolution Pictures is a company that produces music videos (mostly for country music artists I believe, not positive…and big names at that…which is actually kinda a turn-off, but also is really good in its own right) After realizing i'm not sure I would enjoy just any job in the music business, I went back to my original career thought of working in tv/film. …which is partially the reason why I really wanted to do Belmont West this year in LA but, that fell threw so, I guess it just wasn't supposed to happen…and I hope God has better plans for me in Nashville! haha ;) So anyway, before even thinking about the music business thing and Belmont, I was thinking I wanted to work in film. I even remember when I was a senior in high school when Mom, Aunt Lori, Hannah and I went to a Keith Urban/Carrie Underwood concert in Jacksonville and we passed a semi with the NBC logo on it. As it passed I took a picture and added as a caption when I uploaded it to Facebook (I will work for them some day) So I guess I wanted to do that even before music business. I really quite enjoy making all my videos on my laptop and shooting videos and doing photography and editing the photo's so, I didn't think film would be too far of a leap. I know everyone in my family would probably be opposed to the idea but, if there was anyway that after I graduated and I hadn't found a music job in nashville or anywhere but applied for a P.A job for some film company or tv show, I would really take it. although that would mean moving to California (and now you understand the family not being happy part.) I would absolutely LOVE getting up and going to work on a TV or movie set…for others, maybe they wouldn't find as much joy, but I think it would be a lot of fun! So, if I find myself jobless in May and a company is looking for a PA or a new crew member who knows, maybe i'll be moving to another sunny state. So anyway, although Revolution Pictures does music videos, it is still film and would be able to give me much needed experience around professional camera's, sets, and just film in general. So I guess there you have it…all the stuff that has been going threw my mind for the past…hmm, year regarding my future. I heard a song tonight (the one mentioned above in the first little part ^) that I hadn't heard in a while which kinda got me thinking about the future again, yet also a little scared at the same time knowing that probably neither of these things will work out for me. I have actually talked about and posted this song once before on this site but, since it is relevant to the rest of the post and my life, I will post it again. It, of course, is by Missy Higgins. I love the video that I have because it has some explanation at the beginning and I think the explanation is perfect. This song/scenario is one of my fears…that May will finally come and it turns out to be nothing like I had planned or expected. That I find myself standing there with a diploma, finally, but nowhere to go. That all these dreams and thoughts and fantasies I made up in my head were only there, in my head, and will never actually become a reality. BUT, in Amy fashion, I only think about it for a short period of time because what do I care, it is only August and all of this will be going down in May so, I still have time. (I am a great procrastinator.) And with that, I go back to my own little world where somehow everything is going to work out and I will either be on a tour or working on a set in possibly a year from now…because I like it better there (in my head) it's funner and less stressful than reality.

And with that I have written a novel that absolutely NO ONE wanted to read…or in my case, stopped reading a quarter of the way through i'm sure. So I shall leave you with my song I will be singing in May because i'm almost certain that will be my exact predicament. Until tomorrow night...

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Wednesday August 3, 2011

Oh Regina. Now I understand when people said this wasn't a very good or big one. Well, my first pick-up today was at 4…and collecting the aprons and counting them took just a little over 30 minutes. Then another at 7 and so on for the evening. Basically, it wasn't a busy day, haha. I did go and walk around for a bit and on my way to the exhibit building there was a hypnotist show going on that was just starting so i stopped to watch. When I saw the end of the other one in Calgary it made me want to see one from the beginning and let me just say, I still find all of that stuff so crazy! I kinda want to try to get hypnotized cause I don't really think that it could work for me. It is just crazy how quickly these people fall into…well…whatever happens to them when they are hypnotized. So anyway, that was pretty funny. But on a more serious note, right after we opened Buni was coming back from the pool tables and fell and hurt her elbow. Turns out it looked pretty bad and she ended up going to the hospital because she thought it was broken. I think the doctors said it was a strain or a fracture or something but, i'm sure she is in some pain. So I took over any office duties today and closed and whatnot and hopefully she can just rest for these next few days and I can do basically aaalmost anything that needs to be done in the office. I mean, I wouldn't be able to get the rent money together and do al that stuff but, other than that I could work on anything else and let her chill. …so I guess at least maybe i'll stay a little more busy than I would otherwise? haha. So anyway, I guess that is that. Sister Act 2 was on tonight and I was able to catch that; such a great movie. But hmm, I guess there really isn't much more to say about today. Still excited about seeing and hanging out with the fam at the lake…it is coming up so quickly I can't believe it! Only 4 more days. Well, alright, that's all by me. Hope you are doing well. Until tomorrow night...

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Tuesday August 2, 2011

Well shoot, I hate it when I get distracted on my computer and forget about updating this thing until I am tired and right before I go to bed? haha. oh well. Anyway, We are now officially in Regina and opening day is tomorrow. Today we ran errands- did laundry, looked for parts to a water filter, food shopping, got my space bags (yay!) and set up the office. It shouldn't be a hard fair seeing as it is only 5 days and we are putting up 5 games instead of the normal 8 we have. …I have a feeling I will be having more down time that usual…which may or may not be a good thing! haha. So anyway, that's basically what went down today. And I was actually able to see one of the tv shows I follow new episode on tv! Pretty Little liars season premiere was the day after I left so I have been keeping up with the show online doing google searches to find it on (what i'm sure is an illegal) website. (since I can't watch any of these shows on the shows website in Canada) But tonight was a new episode and I was able to catch it on Bea's tv! So I did that tonight then found online the new episode of Rizzoli and Isles that I had missed from last night (monday.) So anyway, a nice rather chill night. Which, I guess I should mention, it is/was my moms birthday!! It sounded like they had some fun plans being in St. Augustin and all. I wish I could've been there to celebrate and join in on the fun but, what can ya do. At least i'll be home to have some fun and hang out for the lake house! Which, have I mentioned, I am very excited about. But anyway, happy birthday mom, I love you! So I guess I should call it quits now. Maybe try to get some sleep. (although I just almost accidentally discovered about 2 hours ago that Buni's wifi can be reached from my bed sooo…that doesn't help with my ADD and sometimes mild form of insomnia. (I may or may not have already watched 6 videos on youtube from interviews on Jimmy Kimmel, haha!…which, by the way again, took like…the whole 2 hours to load…I guess individually, so it wasn't that bad) But anywho, I digress. Here's to hoping I will close my computer at least within the hour…although I am not making any promises. ;) Until tomorrow night...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Monday August 1, 2011

Hello. Well, it is now Tuesday night and I am just updating to let everyone know I indeed did not write on Monday night. You see, Monday we traveled to Regina from Edmonton. It was a long day of driving...especially with my cold...and I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. Anyway, I shall update more about Monday on Tuesday's entry...which I will be doing here in an hour or so, haha! Only 5 more days! Dang, I can't believe it! Until next time...

Sunday July 31, 2011

Well, tonight ended up to be not as late as I thought, I actually ended up leaving the office a little before 3 so, not bad at all! Today was a pretty good day, not too packed actually which kinda makes my job a little easier, haha. But my cold I think got a little better so, that's nice. I mean, it's not gone but, better nonetheless. Well, I guess since it is monday I can officially say that I head home in a week! I'm really looking forward to the lake as soon as I get home and hanging out with the family! Well, tomorrow will be an earlier departure time than usual i believe since we open in Regina on Wednesday so, busy next couple days…if not for me, for everyone else on the crew at least, haha. But on Wednesday or Thursday I am supposed to have an interview with a company that produces music videos via Skype so, that should be interesting. Well, now i'm just chillin watching criminal minds or some show like that and i think i'll probably get some sleep soon. Here's to one last good week! Until next time...

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Saturday July 30, 2011

Well, I officially have a cold. I went to bed last night with a little bit of a soar throat and my nose was a little runny but today it got worse. Headaches, runny nose, sinus pressure, swollen lymph nodes; check, check, check. Other than that it was a good day. The weather got hot (imagine that, Canada with its crazy moody weather) and the crowd was big. I've enjoyed Edmonton but I gotta say, i'm glad that tomorrow is the last day. I don't know what Regina will be like, but these games are just too far away from the office here, haha! ;) So, we had finally closed at around 12:30 and we were in the office counting the aprons when I got a text around 1. I was just like well, who updated their twitter? (because the only text messages I get are from the 2 people that I have their twitter updates sent to my phone) but low and behold it was an actual phone number…from the 352 area. So I opened it up and it read: "Listening to missy higgins angela on pandora!:)" so I started cracking up laughing and figured it had to have been lindsey, sure enough, it was. Oh Lindsey…that text kinda made my night. She was appalled when I told her no one in my family likes missy higgins…and that even my bff Hannah disliked her! So, we decided that my family was just crazy…and something else that I was going to do but I can't remember at the moment, haha, but anyway hence marked the title of bff for Lindsey. So ANYWAY, finally get back to the trailer and it was flooded. I mean, step on the carpet see the ring of water, flooded. Buni had told me her mom called and they knew something was wrong with the water but, I don't believe to this extent. So I went to Buni's to shower and she came over to survey the damage and try to dry the place up a bit. Anyway, finally all dry but still no water so I think some of the guys are gonna come over tomorrow to see where the leak was coming from. Anyway, that's about all i've got for you tonight. I'm actually kinda tired…which I guess makes sense since it is 2:51 in the morning, so I shall bid you adu (I have absolutely the faintest idea as to how you actually spell that.) Although I do want to mention one thing before I fall into my slumber…I have added an item(s) to my wish-list. (…now what this wish list is for i'm not exactly sure but, I just made one so, there ya go) It would be an herbal pack. Be a just heated mine up for me and I have 2 layin at the feet of my bed (slash threw) on my feet and it is the best thing ever. So, that is a must have. …oh, especially for those cold nights. mmMM that would be good. Ok, alright. I have a headache. One more day. Until…well…probably Monday morning since tomorrow is teardown and we don't leave the office till like…oh, the wee hours of the morning when the sun has already risen and all of you lovely people in Florida are already getting ready for work on Monday. So, until next time...

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Friday July 29, 2011

Well, closing tonight just snuck up on me. I didn't think today went by too entirely quickly till I looked at the clock at 11:10 and wondered how in the world it got so late! haha. Well, it was another wonderful day here in Edmonton. We had a nice little hour long severe weather alert, but other than that, good day. Today was Emily and Lindsey's last day (as mentioned before) and they are leaving in the morning so, that's a a little sad. I walked back to the office tonight after a pick-up and I noticed the lights were off, which was weird because they lights are never off, especially for that time of day. Anyway, I turned the corner and of course it was Emily and Lindsey, haha, but earlier in the day we went to the exhibition hall because Lindsey wanted this iPig…a speaker that is shaped like a pig. Well, when I got back from that pick-up they had another one of those pigs and said it was for me. So they set it up while I started my counting and that thing is pretty darn cool! And what I like about it, I can plug it into my laptop so I can have some external speakers for this thing! (Which, by the way, that pig can get loooud.) So Lindsey helped me finish up the counting and turns out we were 330 over…after I was already 100 under from another pick-up when Claude came in and brought me a funnel cake. Moral of the story? Don't distract Amy because she has ADD and is an idiot, haha. Which, by the way, that funnel cake was amazing. Hmm, so what else happened today? OH, and another reason why Lindsey is my new BFF for the summer: she likes Missy Higgins (or at least a few songs I have played for her…I have a convert!) She said she is going to memorize a couple of her songs, record herself singing them and send them to my phone, haha! So, that is something to anxiously await. Ok, well, that was a bit of a side story, haha! Anyway, I can't believe tomorrow is Saturday then we have Sunday and we're out…then only 5 days of Regina before I head home! This summer has flown by and I must say, it has been one of the best summers yet. I am however, really looking forward to the lake though that will be awaiting me upon my return to Florida!! We didn't do the lakehouse last year which bummed me and other family members out, so i'm glad i'll be able to be there for most of it this year.

Alright, alright, I already stopped myself a couple times from writing what I know would have been pointless stories/facts, so to keep me from rambling I shall end this here. Thanks again for reading, I hope everyone has a lovely weekend. Until tomorrow...

Friday, July 29, 2011

Thursday July 28, 2011

Ello. Well, I don't really have much to say about today. ..well, nothing interesting at least. I did go to the building one more time today cause I was going to see if I could find some stuff I could bring home for the siblings and mom for her birthday. I didn't really see anything that thomas or michael would like but there were a couple of african booths that sold african instruments and bags and jewelry and wallets and whatnot which i thought kelly ann might enjoy so, I think I might pick her something up tomorrow. …although, i'm not sure if the little wooden xylophone thing i was going to get would be able to fit into the luggage i have to fly home…well, fit in there without breaking. But, I think i'll get it anyways and see if i can't make it work.

Um, yea. I've really got nothin. Other than the fact that Emily and Lindsey leave Saturday and i'm gonna miss them being around. I've really enjoyed coming to know them a lot better this summer. They are fun, funny, and pretty cool 14 year olds. I had already known Lindsey somewhat cause I was her coach for basketball camp (but that was a couple summers ago now) but I never really spent much time around Emily. Hanging out with/around them is always a good time…although I must say Lindsey hangs around more than Emily does (i'm not cool enough for Emily I guess, haha ;) ) But today Lindsey hung out in the office with me for a while and helped count the aprons again so, I guess you could say that was the fun part of my day…my photoshoot with Lindsey, haha! (although that is not to say that any other part of my day isn't fun, cause i quite enjoy my days) Anyway, so there you have it. I think I am going to go threw my iTunes now (or sometime very soon) and delete some music I don't listen to or like. I have this problem of downloading a lot of music from noisetrade because it is free (legally!) but I don't tend to listen to everything before i download it and i don't like it as much as I thought so, i think it is about time to start cleaning house with all this music i have now. But as a side note, if you like music and finding new artists, go to it is just a bunch of independent artists you can listen to and download their stuff for free. Sometimes it is a song, sometimes a couple and sometimes a whole album. But I have discovered a lot of great artists through that website.

OKAY. That's all folks. I think I have already bored enough people with this post so, I shall be done. I hope everyone has a lovely weekend! Until next time...

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Wednesday July 27, 2011

New music in the hizouse!! If you are my friend on Facebook (which, i'm pretty sure if anyone is reading this is probably my friend because I'm not sure how else anyone would know about this here blog, but anyway) you might have come across an update mentioning new music. Well you heard me right folks, Missy Higgins played at a concert in California recently and played I believe 4 or so new songs! (Although I had already heard one of them from when she played Lilith last summer) So, I was able to hear 3 new songs today! …and let me tell you, there STILL isn't a missy higgins song I don't like! I have, however, decided I am going to try my best not to download those songs and turn them into mp3's for my ipod because I want there to be something to look forward to when her album comes out. Which, by the way, if you haven't been able to notice, I am very excited about!! (Although no one has mentioned a release date yet but, she just finished recording and everything a week ago or so, so, i'm guessing it will at least be a few months.) So ANYWAY, I will try to jump off my 'i love missy higgins' horse for a minute since I know no one shares my enthusiasm for her but, I don't care, I still carry on anyway and make everyone else deal with my obsession appreciation. ;)

Ok, we were back at it again today counting aprons every 2 hours. I made a pick-up then Emily and Lindsey came for the second one but, I soon realized that 3 people trying to count aprons can get a little crowded and confusing…which led to the wrong number count but, oh well. So anyway, luckily for us Emily doesn't like working so she sat out for the next round of pick-ups and Lindsey and I worked our nice team-work. …followed by snow cones which were wonderful. I've said it once and I will say it again, I need to get one of those ice shaver things for my apartment! haha. OH, but reminds me. One of the first days when Buni and I were walking around we saw this cup/ice combo called Aussie Ice that we had seen in Calgary, but it makes icee's when you shake it. It was buy one get one free so Buni was nice enough to give me one and I finally got around to making one tonight! My drink of choice to freeze up was chocolate milk, haha. It was wonderful and if you ever see me, I will make you a slushy. :) So today was another good day. Only one miss-hap of me accidentally losing the key bea gave me to her trailer : / oops. I really hope it turns up tomorrow somewhere! But tomorrow…it shall be day 7. I can't believe we are already on day 7 here in Edmonton. Crazy how fast the summer has gone! We're here till Sunday, then it's my last stop in Regina for a 5 day fair then it's back to Florida on the 8th for a couple weeks before classes start again. As much as I absolutely love Nashville and enjoy my time at Belmont, i'm not really looking forward to going back, per say. I'm sure I will jump right on back in my routine when I get there and be as happy as ever, and maybe I am just saying this because it is still summer and who looks forward to going back to classes and work, but, it is true. I wouldn't mind a little more than a couple more weeks left of summer…I gotta make the most of everyday seeing as this will be my last summer vacation! Woah, I just realized that. …well, maybe I will take one next summer if I can't find a job ;) haha. (which, if I can't I might just end up having the same summer!) Ok, ok, enough thinking out loud. …and when I say out loud I mean typing it to people who don't care at. all. I'll be done now. I think I might just enjoy some new music I downloaded today before hitting the hay. Thanks for reading. Until tomorrow night…

So, just going back and rereading this to see if i can catch any of my i'm sure 100 mistakes, and I wanted to say…if you aren't my friend on Facebook, thanks for finding my blog! I hope I haven't bored you to death and I welcome you to add me as a friend! :)

Tuesday July 27, 2011

Ok, finally got pictures downloaded from my camera to my laptop from the last day in Calgary and all my pics from here. Maybe tomorrow i'll upload them to Facebook or something. …because really, you need to see the beautiful cookie I bought today at the mall, haha ;) (it was called the monster cookie…yea) And speaking of today, it was another good one! (well, for me at least) Things were a little slow at the fairgrounds today because it was raining until like, 4 or so; so, it was a good day to go to the mall. Anyway, I took Emily, Lindsey, and Angela again and they went around and got all of their clothes from Hollister/Amercrombie & Fitch/American Eagle/any other store that is exactly the same. We finally got lunch and then split up for a little bit. Lindsey wanted to do put put golf and Emily wanted to go to chapters and look in a couple more stores so, Lindsey and I set out to play put put while Emily and Angela did there thing. We went to go to the place by the food court but found a glow in the dark put put place on the way! so we obviously stopped and went to that one, haha. Anyway, it was a fun time…I even got a hole in one! AND bonus, the group of people in front of us were from some other country and they had awesome accents! Boy do I love me an accent! I learned 2 things today; I am obsessed with plaid and with accents. After we had our game Lindsey wanted to get her hair trimmed so we went to Regis. I almost got my hair done too but, it didn't look like they had a lot of people working so I wasn't sure if i would be able to get it done at the same time and I was thinking about getting it styled but I wouldn't know how to get it done so, I figured I would be better off just holding off for now. But, Lindsey got hers trimmed and layered and it looked good. Turns out when we got done and called Emily her and Angela had the same idea and were getting their hair cut too, haha. So I went on to accomplish my mission of finding a purse which had started at the beginning of the summer…after looking in a few places I finally had to just picked one out at a place because the day was coming to a close and I just wanted to get one already. After I got my purse I felt much better about myself and even got a zip-up hood and button up shirt at the next place we went too! (plaid of course, haha) Well, it was one quick stop of the Rocky Mountain Chocolate factory for my monster cookie before grabbing dinner at the food court and making our way towards the exit. Which, of course, had a candy store luring us in, so it was one more pit stop before leaving, haha! Anywho, so that was the fun for the day….but gosh, I don't even want to start with the drive back. …lets just say soooome people in the back were trying to tell me where to turn and we ended up getting back more than 30 minutes later than we should have. …it is still a sore subject. So yea, back to it tomorrow. Goodness gracious I have just been gallivanting all across town the past 2 days, i'm sure I should probably be doing some sort of collecting and counting tomorrow! Well that's all from me folks. I think i'll just finish this Amos Lee that is playing in the background (song: Keep It Loose. Look it up ;) ) and call it a night (or, early morning…this sleeping pattern probably won't work well when school starts again, haha! oh well) Until tomorrow…

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Monday July 25, 2011

Oh my warm feet. So I just got into bed and a few minutes before, Bea walked by and said she was going to put this warm heated up thing at the foot of my bed…I of course said alright so I crawled in here and didn't see it, but then noticed it was under my covers and let me just tell you, my feet are nice and toasty and I need to get whatever this is!! haha. Alrighty, sorry, kinda got side tracked but I just had to mention that because it was a very pleasant surprise just now. :) So today, it was a really fun day! Got up and went to the office, started rolling some coins when I remembered that I was going to go to the mall with Emily, Lindsey, and now apparently Angela. So after getting everything in order, finding the trucks and getting my bathing suite we all headed out to one of the biggest shopping malls in north america. Our mission today was the water park inside. (oh, and I need to mention, yes I did drive…yes it was an F550 :) and, I was very impressed with myself that I got that darn thing as well in between the lines as it could be the first time both times I parked it!) So anyway, we got there, Angela had to find a bathing suit, that had to take a minute, got some lunch and it was time in the park the rest of the day. We went in the wave pool and just about every waterside they had there. One thing that they did have that I kinda really wanted to do was a bungie jump. They had a bungie jump there that was like, 106 feet I believe that went right over the water and it looked awesome. I was thinking about doing it until one of the workers I asked said he thought it was 75 dollars to do it, haha. …and this was at the end of the day and I had grown tired so I didn't really have the energy to do it anyway. So the water park was a success! Kinda, minus the fact that Lindsey hurt her foot when some guy spun her tube into a wall. Which, brings me to our next adventure of the night. So, Lindsey could barely walk tonight hobbling through the mall so I told her I could give her a piggy back ride. I start to carry her, peace of cake, she isn't even 100 pounds! I soon realize I am out of shape and we are parked on the opposite side of the mall. (reminder- biggest mall in north america) So after a couple breaks we finally make it to the truck, I can barely feel my arm, haha. So I drive back to the fair, park and Lindsey can't even walk. I told her I would give her a lift this one time ;) but of course her foot hurts even when I am carrying her. So it is piggy pack, then hopping, limping, back to piggy back, and we finally make it to the office! Oh, I forgot to mention that Emily and Angela have stopped to ride the sky scrapper and I was fortunate enough to carry Emily's 5 pounds of books she bought at Chapters, so I have that in my hands while Lindsey is holding my backpack (which, is too heavy for her, haha!) Anyway, it was a memorable day/night definitely…and that isn't even including the story of Lindsey leaving her Miss Mi jeans on her chair at McDonald's. Anywho, I'm sure you will be glad to hear that we will be back tomorrow to shop this time and look around. It is actually a really cool mall from what I was able to see of it today. (After Buni takes Lindsey to the doctor I guess about her foot.) And, as we were leaving I got a call from my dad…I apparently forgot to fill out my FAFSA! I knew I had forgotten to do that. I felt bad that my dad had to end up doing it but, what can you do now. [sorry dad!…and thanks!] So hopefully now I will be able to get a loan. Anyway, I don't even know why i'm saying any of this stuff anymore. As anyone that has read this has already noticed i'm sure, so my apologies…because that is basically what the whole post has been so far. OH, new Rizzoli and Isles was on tonight! I'm gonna have to google that sometime this week! (again, sorry, I might have ADD) OK, i'm done now. I'm sure there will be more stories for tomorrow night (Oh I can tell you are already excited, haha ;) Until then…

Sunday July 24, 2011

Today I would like to dedicate the song Hot N' Cold by Katy Perry to the city of Edmonton, Alberta. Crazy this weather is. Yesterday I was freezing with 2 jackets on and today I was sweating walking around in my shorts and shirt! Oh Canada. Anyway, today was another crazy busy day. I must say, these Canadians love their fairs. The lines to the rides were so big they crossed the midway so no one could get threw! (of course until someone from the opposite direction breaks threw and then you try to cross over there too but people from the other side just keep coming like the unloading of a clown car.) Ok sorry, had to get that out. ;) So yea, a lot of people at the fairgrounds and pick-ups every hour and a half but, still not nearly as tiring as Calgary with all those dang tickets. It it crazy how much quicker counting goes when you aren't separating 3 different kinds of tickets mangled in with change and money to count. One downfall though about not being in Calgary is not having some of the people from the food to come get our loonies and toonies! In Calgary, we had a woman named Susan (from Butcher Boys (that made the really good steak and cheese sandwich)) and Nicole (who ran a pizza place) that would always come and get our coins. One might be thinking, ok amy, get to the point. Well, we would bag those bad boys up and be on our mary way. But now, they didn't make the jump to Edmonton so tomorrow is when i will have to roll our bags full of coins…it should be a great time. ;) Lets see, I got a text today from grandma and a call from papa…must've been grandparents day! haha. Grandma had mentioned the lake house and I am excited that has returned this summer!! And even more so that I get to be there for almost most of it! I guess we have it from the 6th or something till the 14h and I will be leaving Canada on the 8th so, that's a good 6 days i'll be able to be there! I've been feeling bad about the family gatherings that I have been missing this summer. Which, one being half the family going to South Carolina…which I heard a little about from papa when he called. Apparently it is hotter there than in Ocala, haha. Also, he mentioned the glowing river thing which I am very excited about!! It sounds totally awesome…and I am really into that kind of stuff so, it should be cool. Anyway, I guess that is enough ramblings for tonight. Thanks for reading; still not sure if anyone reads this or why anyone even would, haha! Here's to a good week. Until tomorrow night…

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Saturday July 23, 2011

I am in love…with a little thing called food. If you couldn't tell, I just got done watching the Food Network (Diner's, Drive-In's and Dives.) I swear it is a curse wanting to devour every food I see, haha! (Especially when i'm not even hungry!) I am really quite enjoying staying here in the trailer with Bea. Late night snacks, tv before bed, room to myself with a very comfy bed, seems like i've gotten lucky! haha.

Ok sorry, just had to get that out of the way, haha. But today was finally a good day for the carnival! It was pretty crowded and we were doing pick-ups every hour and a half. Although, it seemed like a lot less work since we didn't have to count all those dang tickets like we did in Calgary! But, I have to say the games are definitely a lot more spread out and further from the office than any of the other spots so far so, that is a little annoying (especially seeing as some people walk so slow if they were going any slower they would be walking backwards) but, at least I am keeping moving and hopefully burning a couple more calories! haha. Weeell, hmm, what else is there to say about today? Not to much actually, other than I am still really enjoying it out here! I was just made to live in a trailer that travels from city to city I believe. Well, I wish I had more but, luckily for you, that's it, haha. Tomorrow should be another good day. It is actually going to be sunny and in the 70s so, that is very exciting! You see, it was overcast pretty much all day today with just a couple small sprinkles here and there and got kinda cold at times, and there was a big crowd in spite of the not so friendly weather so, tomorrow is looking hopeful.

I guess that is all. Probably going to listen to a little bit of music before falling asleep. …like I said, my sleep schedule now is unfortunately not the greatest with it being 2:15 right now and i'm not really that tired. But I have found if I just leave my iTunes playing and set laptop up at the foot of my bed, it won't take me too long to fall asleep, haha. (ok, so maybe I do have a lot of mellow music on my iTunes but, I don't find that a bad thing.) I hope everyone enjoys their Sunday! Make sure to keep Norway and people suffering with addictions in your prayers :) Until tomorrow night…

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Friday July 22, 2011

What a day for a carnival. I swear it could have snowed today if it wanted to. It was raining practically all day…and it was fa-reeeezing. I was wearing a long-sleeve shirt, my north face hoodie and my north face jacket and I was still cold! …and i'm sure it didn't help that my socks/shoes were wet. I really need to invest in some rain boots. And might I also add that you could see your breath? Ok, just had to get that out there. So anyway, needless to say it was not busy. At all. I didn't do my first pick-up until 7:30! Then one more at 10:30 before close which is at 12. So, seeing as I had some free time I was finally able to use a good chunk of my itunes money! I shall share with everyone some of my purchases :) I bought a few songs from Erin McCarley (singer/songwriter with a hint of pop that has been featured on some tv shows I believe), a few Brandi Carlile, and then an album by a group (or singer?) called Crooked Still. I had never heard of this person (or band) until I was just searching around the singer/songwriter section of iTunes and I liked what I heard. It is actually pretty bluegrassy with a strong banjo and fiddle in pretty much every song, but I really quite enjoy that kind of music so, I decided to buy the whole album and it is pretty good! (The album is entitled "Some Strange Country" if you care to check it out.) I also bought a song from the ever great Tracy Chapman.

There is this great group of singer/songwriters from nashville that have formed this little group called 10 Out of Tenn. (10 singers out of Tennessee (Nashville)) I first discovered this group…well, i'm not exactly sure when, I think sometime last semester. But I had heard of and really liked already a few of the artists on the roster. (the 10 singer/songwriters can change from year to year) But anyway, they basically all tour around together and many times lend their voices and songs to each other for their albums and whatnot. It's pretty cool actually…and they are all great musicians and artists that are pretty well known in the Nashville independent/singer/songwriter scene (which I have come to really enjoy.) So anyway, I follow them on Twitter and I saw a tweet they sent out saying they were looking for an intern, so I went on the website and e-mailed their contact person and she e-mailed back and said thanks and to forward her the resume. So, I think that would be pretty cool if I was able to intern there! Especially seeing as the whole independent scene is really where i'm interested at the moment. (I am slowly realizing that maybe I wouldn't fit best into the big/corporate/well known country organizations. I would just prefer being with a smaller more independent and laid-back group…you know?) So, i'm thinking that maybe if I stuck around there for 2 semesters or something I would be able to make some good contacts and seeing as they are associated with 10 artists, there may be even a small chance it could lead to more job/touring opportunities.

Alright, I guess that can be all for tonight. i'm sure you are all music'ed out by now, haha. Here's to hoping that tomorrow is warmer, dryer, and busier! Until then…

Friday, July 22, 2011

Thursday July 21, 2011

Ok, just got done watching The Queen with Bea and we are now left with many questions. For example, is Tony Blair still the prime minister? I think he might have just recently given up his title, but I could very much be wrong because the name does sound really familiar (probably because he is/was the prime minister of England, haha) And speaking of England, what is the deal with England/United Kingdom. What is the difference, how does Whales fit in there? (Since apparently Prince William is the prince of Whales. And now that I am thinking about it, what is York even? All of these Princes are Princes of places I have no where they are.) So anyway, my new goal tomorrow will be to do some google searching when i am now busy and find out some of this information. But another thing, is everything in that movie even real? Like, how would anyone know that a deer came out in the woods while the queen was sitting there by herself after her truck (which apparently she drives around everywhere by herself, haha) got stuck in a river. The only way for that to have been a true account of what really happened during the time surrounding Diana's death was if the queen sat down and had a pretty big discussion of these events with the writer of this movie. However, most of the movie did not put the Queen in a very good light…and also she is the queen, so i doubt I could see that ever happening. Anyway, it really got me curious about the whole monarch in England. I never knew how much the whole family basically um, well, hated her apparently, haha.

Ok, since I am now done with this topic, I need to get this out because it is driving me crazy, there is this ticking sound that is coming from somewhere that I have yet to find and i am going nuts. Kinda like a watch or clock or something, but it is fast than a second hand would be (I think…but maybe not) Well anyway, I don't know where it is coming from and I don't believe I heard it last night so, i'm hoping it won't stay for the rest of my…oh, 10 days. Ok this is seriously getting annoying.

Weeeell, tomorrow is opening day so, hopefully the rain will die down a little. It starting pouring tonight around 7 and I don't think it has let up since! (it is now 12am) I heard it is supposed to rain some tomorrow but, hopefully it will get everything out of its system by the time we open, which is 12. Alright, alright. I guess that shall be all for tonight. Today was a good day full of rolling toonies, loonies, nickels, dimes, pennies, and quarters. Here's to another day of collecting aprons and counting money…and hoping Thomas does well with his American Idol audition. I'll keep you posted if i can ever find the source to this ticking and make it stop. Until then...

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Wednesday July 20, 2011

First things first haaappy biiiiirthdaaaay to youuuuuuu. Well, it is/was Hannah's birthday today and I am sad that I wasn't able to celebrate it with her in person…especially since she is with my family in South Carolina right now for Thomas' American Idol audition. I hope she had a great day and my family treated her right. I'm with ya hannah, it was not long ago I myself was out of the state not with my parents or family for my birthday, but the Lombards and everyone made it a great day so, i'm just hoping the same was experienced for you. But back to the AI auditions, I think it should be a fun experience for everyone involved…or an experience none the less. And I know American Idol is way rigged and tons of people don't make it but, I think it would just be awesome if Thomas got to audition for the judges even, forgetting about Hollywood week or anything, haha. And as much as I have joked about Thomas's singing in the past and told him he was a terrible singer, I was watching the video today from when he sang in church and I must say, I am really proud of him. Like, he actually doesn't have a bad voice and if given the chance i'm sure everyone on American Idol would love him…I mean, what isn't to love, right?! I also read another tweet tonight someone talking about their brother and how he was singing on a couple tracks of their new album they just finished recording, how well he sounded and that she loved him. It kinda made me think about my own family. I know it is kinda a long shot but I hope Thomas can at least try out for the judges. If not, that's ok too, because a ton of great singers don't make it on that show. Regardless, I love him for taking the chance. I don't know if I would ever be brave enough to seriously sing in front of people that were judging me, haha. Alright, alright, i know i have been on this subject for to long now, but I guess i've been realizing how great my brother(s)…and sister…and family can be. Thomas and I I must say have had our moments and I can vividly remember sitting in my parents little room thing before their bedroom bawling because I was so mad at Thomas and he had gotten me into trouble or something and all i remember thinking was that I hate him. But then again there have been many a times where we had each others back like when he called me one time from his phone in his room to see if we could leave to go to meme and papa's because him and dad had gotten into it. Which, by the way, (and I know Thomas doesn't read this, and won't especially read this one with him off auditioning for American Idol right now and all) but he would be proud to know that again tonight at dinner (and maybe he is the only one who would know what I am even talking about) but I got the food sweats again, haha! So anyway, even though I know he will never see this but, Thomas, I love you and I appreciate our relationship we have. I mean, I know Thomas and I aren't the closest siblings in the world and goodness knows he can get on my nerves, but i love him. Although I don't mean to single out any one sibling, and I love Kelly Ann and Michael too, the focus this week just so happened to focus on Thomas with me talking to him on the phone at least twice within the past week and a half or so and him being in SC.

Woah buddy, that took up about all of my normal writing time/space! haha. although I kinda did that intentionally because all i did today was go on the computer, watch a smidgen of tv, go to the grocery store and eat. tomorrow is the day before the fair starts so i'm sure i will be in the office helping get stuff organized but, not to much to say about today. …other than I love Tyler's family and I might become a carnie ;) juuust kiddin mom. (kinda…maybe, haha) Alright, alright. that's all from me for tonight. I was able to steal (with permission) Buni's mifi tonight so i might scroll though the internet for a minute before hittin the hay. I hope everyone has a lovely day. Thanks for reading and I do apologize for the randomness, boringness, and unprofessionalness of my posts! Until next time…

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Tuesday July 19, 2011

I am writing tonight from the comfort of Bea's bunk beds in her trailer. That's right folks, I have a new roomie! haha. So looks like i'll be staying with Bea this spot as it is closer to everything (i.e the Midway, office, and Buni's trailer. …also, fyi, Bea= Buni's mom…Tyler's grandma. ok, got it) Anywho, so that should be a nice living arrangement. Plus, she had the place to herself so, hopefully she'll enjoy the company :) So today I slept in, chilled at the trailer, then Bea and I went to the laundry mat to wash the uniforms, aprons, sheets, and our clothes. We then came back and had dinner with Buni and Paul. We went to this one Italian place and boy was it good. We got this thing called an Italian pretzel for an appetizer…although it didn't look like a pretzel, more like in the shape of a cinnamon bun, but anyway, it was delicious, then I shared a pizza with paul and that dang thing was delicious too! Oooh, and some chocolate carmel cake stuff too, let me tell you it hurt to breathe, haha! So anyway, i've just been watching tv here at Bea's; first the Golden Girls…such a funny show, then the end of a show called Tough Cookies or something, and those kind of shows always make me want to open my own bakery, haha. Seriously, I have always said that if I didn't want to get into the entertainment industry I would want to do something with food…more specifically baking. It just looks like a fun time to bake cookies half/all day. Sure beats sittin in an office or something all day!! Which, brings me to my next topic (kinda) As I was sitting at the little table thing I realized how much I enjoy…well, this, and that i'm not really looking forward to getting back to school, haha. I mean, I love Nashville and Belmont, don't get me wrong, love it (!) but maybe my crazy hectic schedule of school, intern, work, sleep, get up and do it again left a bad taste in my mouth for the upcoming school year. I mean, this is summer after all and who would rather be in school than on summer break so, I guess it's all normal, but I really am enjoying my time away from it all. But I was thinking, what if I even was in nashville this summer like, working at Tasti-d.lite or something? That would be terrible compared to this!! I don't even know if I want to return to tasti upon my arrival. …but, I guess that is a college job and I should take what I can get!! But being out here just seems so much funner (yea, I am going to use that word, haha) of a job than anything in either nashville or Ocala. (well, that I would have been able to get this summer anyway.) I've kinda been thinking recently, seeing as I only have 2 more semesters left of college and now is really the point in time where I need to get serious about the future and figure out what the heck I am going to do with my life after I graduate, and the truth is that I still have no idea. I have always said though that I don't want a normal job where I sit at a desk, and that is still more true than ever, but I also want a job that is fun, that I enjoy going to everyday where I think I can't believe this is my job because I enjoy it so much…and in all honesty, i'm not sure if I can picture myself thinking that if I am stuck in an office in the same city everyday of my life. Like when I was talking to Bea over lunch today and we were talking about something on the travel channel…like the craziest toilets or something, haha, but anyway she said she had been to like, 4 of the 5 of them or something, and then about these other places that they also went to on the show since she travels so much, you know, and I thought that was just so cool! I just think this world and country even is so huge and has so many different things and stuff to offer and look at, that I want to see it all…as much as I can. Like why sit in one place forever when there is so much to the rest of the world! Doesn't everyone want to go out and explore and experience the rest of the country/world? Am I the only one?! maybe it is just the time of night talking and what happens when my mind starts to wonder during these wee hours of the morning but I just wish (and I know this is all dreaming here, because contrary to belief I know you do have to have a job, haha) that I could get an RV and just go. Anywhere and everywhere…yet have a job at the same time, haha. But then again, wouldn't everybody. So, I guess going back to the job/school/graduating thing. I guess kinda a few things have changed for me within the year or so. I've always wanted to work on a tour and I totally still do, I just have no idea how to see this dream become a reality. Then I thought maybe I could work for a management company or something or do social media, but after some internships I am glad to have realized now that that really isn't the place for me…well, at least for a big/prominent company. But anyway, then last semester and still kinda now (well, I wanted to do this even before thinking of the whole music business) I've been thinking I want to get into film; like tv or movies. I've always loved editing videos and making movies on my computer and I think a tv or a film set would be a great fun place to work…definitely would be able to get away from a desk and normal job there. And maybe I am just saying all this because my mind changes depending on if I am watching tv/listening to music or watching a concert, haha, and probably because i've gotten a little more into tv these past few months but, it is something I would peruse if someone got back to me after graduating. Well, now that I have spilled half of my nonsense ramblings/thoughts out here that no one cares about, I will be done now. I do apologize for the length and boringness of this blog but, just remember, no one forced you to read this! haha. (which is probably why I am just writing to myself at this point! ha!) Oh, and there is more to say about this fair but, i'm sure that can wait for another night. (although I do want to mention I did see the brightest rainbow of my life tonight. it was beautiful) So there ya go, scatterbrained and all. Until tomorrow night…

Monday July 18, 2011

woah buddy, it is 2:35 now and I almost forgot to write. We finally made it to Edmonton and because we don't have power yet at the bunks I am staying at Buni and Pauls in the girls room since they are off at camp with their school for the next few days. I gotta make this quick since I only have 2 minutes left of battery on my laptop, haha. But I just felt the need I needed to write or update sooomething or it just wouldn't seem right! Finally got to sleep after writing yesterdays post and left Calgary around 3. Drove until around maybe 9 or so when we got in here. Went out to Boston Pizza for dinner and came back here to chill for a minute and now we are all caught up!! Not tooo sure much is going on tomorrow since call time for everyone else is Wednesday but, I am sure…ok, just now getting back on my laptop because the battery officially died in the middle of that sentence, haha. …and it is now Tuesday at 10:40 at night. So anyway, that was all for that update, but I shall soon move on to the one from today…see ya in a couple hours ;)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sunday July 17, 2011

Well well well…I am not writing Sunday's update on monday morning the 18th at 7:52am since this is the first time I am getting back to my bed! Since I pulled an all nighter I can't even really remember yesterday!! haha. The crowd actually wasn't too big so it was a pretty ease day. I am trying to think of what all happened and I can't believe that was only yesterday, haha. So we did the same old same old then around…well, I don't even know the time, around 11:15, made a pre-closing pick-up and from then on it was end of the fair/closingteardown madness, haha. so we figured everything out in the office, got everyone's pay ready, got the office packed up and ready for another move payed people and handed out draws, and next thing I know it it is 6:30 in the morning. I was actually never really tired the whole time…even on my walk back. And I figured I might watch The Princess Bride since i'm sure most people would be sleeping, but now that I am laying here I am getting a little tired and might even get me some sleep! haha. Well, that being said, I actually think I might la my head down and see what happens. I do have some thoughts on the Stampede, but that will have to wait for another update when i'm not so tired. (wait, didn't I just say I wasn't tired? haha…uh oh, the time s quickly catching up on me.) Okie doe, until next time...

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Saturday Jul 16, 2011

Oh boy what a day! It couldn't have started off any better. Well, I first went to the office just to see how things were looking then went over to Buni's where I made chocolate chip pancakes!! They. Were. Delicious. Went back to the office to start rolling quarters when Emily, Lindsey, and Angela came to steal me away for a few minutes to go ride the skyscraper! It is one of the big rides you normally have to pay $40 a person for but, they (and I) ride it for free after befriending the people that run it, haha. So anyway, that was really fun! And, we also go the video of Lindsey and I on it for giving the guy a stuffed minion, haha! So after eating a delicious breakfast and having a little fun on a ride, it was back to rolling quarters until it was time to start my pick-ups at 1:30. …continuing every 2 hours and counting in between. Being as it was the last Saturday of Calgary, it was pretty busy. And if you might be wondering about the concert that was tonight that I mentioned earlier…well, the woman that got the tickets had another person I guess at the last minute that wanted one so, mine was the ticket that was used, haha. Although I'm sure it would have been an exciting show, i'm not heart broken over the fact I didn't go, it was a good thing since it did get busy tonight! Wouldn't want to just leave Buni high and dry (although it did start to hail tonight for a little bit! which was exciting) Hmm, what else was I going to mention? There was something but, probably not important…it is after all already 3:30 so, I should probably hit the hay so I am all rested and ready for the big last day tomorrow! (I'm sure i'm/we're in for a long night!) Well, I guess I can add one more thing before signing out…I just have to say that I pretty much love some people here. For example, a group of us rode back on the golf cart (I was up front talking with Lynn (who works the baskets) and he got probably his highest numbers ever today! but anyway, that is besides the point) So we get back and where everyone normally is sitting with the lawn chairs is Steve singing "All by myself" hahaha. He cracks me up. Anyway, point being, I enjoy my company out here. Everyone is really nice and really funny. It makes for long hours/nights more enjoyable. Like the other night in the office Buni and I were listening to music while counting the money…it was billy currington: "I wasn't born for diggin big holes, I wasn't built for paving long roads, I ain't cut out to clime high line poles but, i'm pretty good at drunken beer." And then here comes Buni: "heeey, me too!" hahaha. I just started cracking up. Anyway, it's always a good time in spit of the tiredness one might feel. So with that, I bid you a-due. Until tomorrow night (…or technically morning, haha)

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Friday July 15, 2011

Ok, first things first: I really like Randy. He is adorable. He is one of the guys in charge of the long and short range and is just so dang cute…his attitude and everything, haha. Ok, now that that is out of the way, today was a really good day! I got to have extra help for a couple of my pick-ups today! Emily and Lindsey came in the office after school for my third pick-up I believe and helped count. Emily was in a hurry to get out of there but Lindsey stayed and chilled and helped me with a couple more pick-ups, it was helpful. I've really enjoyed getting to know Emily and Lindsey so far this summer. It's funny because before we left I remember talked to hannah when I said I was flying up with them and she said it would be a quiet plain ride and everyone thinks they are so quiet but I just started cracking up in Banff while Emily and Lindsey were like, screaming walking around because they are totally not quiet, haha. …but just normal 14 year olds I guess. So anyway, after Emily bailed after the first pickup Lindsey and I worked a little more then went back to the trailer to get some of Buni's chili she made…award winning might I add! and it was delicious. We also established that we will need to see Harry Potter asap….and also that I am going to go on this one ride called the sky scrapper with them tomorrow as soon as the carnival opens (be sure to check out my picture on Facebook I will have to take tomorrow and upload, because it is a pretty cool ride apparently, going 70 mph! haha) Well, an update on the Sugarland, I actually never made my way to the Sadledome so I was not able to stalk them unfortunately. oh well, better luck next time I guess, haha. Another exciting thing about today was when I got back form somewhere Buni was Skyping with Elijah, Wyette, CJ, and Ashley which was cute. I enjoyed being able to say hi. Those two boys are just dang cute. Anyway, hmm, I had something else I was going to add but I think i've already forgotten. Well, another thing about Emily and Lindsey, I had them and Angela (their friend) watching video's of thomas and they think he is a good singer…their favorite is when he sings Washed By The Water and i thought I had it on my laptop but, I need to dig it up somewhere cause I can't seem to find it! Alrighty well, I can't seem to remember what I was going to add so, I guess I will just leave it at that…seeing as it is already 3:30. We didn't close till like, 1 today cause it got reeally busy later tonight! I can't believe we only have 2 more days!! I've really enjoyed Calgary amidst the craziness and sore feet! …although I must say I probably won't miss counting the tickets at our other spots! haha. Ok, ok, I know I said I was done. I'm sure there will be more stories for tomorrow night, it should be a busy day being the last Saturday and all. Until then...

Just so there is no confusion or misunderstanding, Randy is a grandpa...just thought I should throw that out there upon second thought, haha.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Thursday July 14, 2011

Day 8 of the Calgary Stampede has officially come to a close. Not to much exciting news to share. Collected aprons, counted money, counted tickets, repeat, give out draws. You get the picture. Anyway, I did however, get the chance to see Kevin Cosner (however you spell his last name). His band (yes, he sings now, haha) were performing at the Coca-Cola Stage. And no offense to Kevin, but he should stick to acting, haha. But speaking of concerts, I am pretty sure Sugarland is going to be here tomorrow. I am going to have to try to explore around the Saddledome to find the tour buses and stalk them! haha. juuust kidding. (or am I ;). just kidding) I normally would be going crazy to know that Sugarland would be performing just a few minutes away from me and me not being there but, I have already seen their 'Incredible Machine' tour…and them in concert like, 4 times so, I don't really care. But, since we are speaking about concerts still, Katy Perry will be here on Saturday night and if I heard correctly I think I might be being a chaperone for the girls and their friends for that one, haha. I'm sure that would be an exciting concert…I don't even know if i've even ever been to a pop concert…but I do now how Katy Perry likes to be theatrical, haha. Well, I will keep you posted on if this is true that I am going. …but to be honest, I hope I do go because it sounds like it would be fun! I like myself a Katy Perry tune or two. (and yes I know this would be a very unpopular opinion for almost everyone else I know other than like, teenage girls but, oh well, I don't care! haha) And since we are speaking of singers…oh shoot, while I was typing that, my next artist of subject just came up on iTunes! Got any guesses?! You are correct, Missy Higgins! ;) Anyway, onto the point, she tweeted me again today!! well…of course her being my bff and all ;) But I had asked her about doing a commentary like she did for her last album and if she would be doing that for her next album and she gave her reply. Anyway, I always love it when I get a reply from my good pal Missy. Soooo, now that I have bored just about everyone, haha. I don't really know what else to add! Hmm, what is on the agenda for tomorrow? Well, tomorrow would be Friday which means it is a weekend (kinda) so we will probably be more busy than usual for the last couple days of the fair…I mean, we are only down to 3 days left!! Then it is off to Edmonton (which, by the way, they have one of the biggest malls in the world with a theme park and a water park, haha…which, I will be visiting. But more on that at a later point in time.) Again, inflicting my readers with boredom. …hahaha, readers, I crack myself up sometimes. Anyway, I still have pictures on my camera that I haven't uploaded since before ice cream day so I will get on that tonight before hitting the hay so keep your eye out on Facebook for those to be uploaded soon! And with that, that's all from me (and I know what you are thinking: thank goodness, this entry was all over the place…much like every update actually, how did this girl get into Belmont?! I ask myself that a lot, haha.) I'm really done now. Until tomorrow night…

Retroactive Reviews

Tonight I was on Youtube watching a show and when it ended, for some reason, on the home screen was my face.....from 2012. How did THAT get ...