First things first haaappy biiiiirthdaaaay to youuuuuuu. Well, it is/was Hannah's birthday today and I am sad that I wasn't able to celebrate it with her in person…especially since she is with my family in South Carolina right now for Thomas' American Idol audition. I hope she had a great day and my family treated her right. I'm with ya hannah, it was not long ago I myself was out of the state not with my parents or family for my birthday, but the Lombards and everyone made it a great day so, i'm just hoping the same was experienced for you. But back to the AI auditions, I think it should be a fun experience for everyone involved…or an experience none the less. And I know American Idol is way rigged and tons of people don't make it but, I think it would just be awesome if Thomas got to audition for the judges even, forgetting about Hollywood week or anything, haha. And as much as I have joked about Thomas's singing in the past and told him he was a terrible singer, I was watching the video today from when he sang in church and I must say, I am really proud of him. Like, he actually doesn't have a bad voice and if given the chance i'm sure everyone on American Idol would love him…I mean, what isn't to love, right?! I also read another tweet tonight someone talking about their brother and how he was singing on a couple tracks of their new album they just finished recording, how well he sounded and that she loved him. It kinda made me think about my own family. I know it is kinda a long shot but I hope Thomas can at least try out for the judges. If not, that's ok too, because a ton of great singers don't make it on that show. Regardless, I love him for taking the chance. I don't know if I would ever be brave enough to seriously sing in front of people that were judging me, haha. Alright, alright, i know i have been on this subject for to long now, but I guess i've been realizing how great my brother(s)…and sister…and family can be. Thomas and I I must say have had our moments and I can vividly remember sitting in my parents little room thing before their bedroom bawling because I was so mad at Thomas and he had gotten me into trouble or something and all i remember thinking was that I hate him. But then again there have been many a times where we had each others back like when he called me one time from his phone in his room to see if we could leave to go to meme and papa's because him and dad had gotten into it. Which, by the way, (and I know Thomas doesn't read this, and won't especially read this one with him off auditioning for American Idol right now and all) but he would be proud to know that again tonight at dinner (and maybe he is the only one who would know what I am even talking about) but I got the food sweats again, haha! So anyway, even though I know he will never see this but, Thomas, I love you and I appreciate our relationship we have. I mean, I know Thomas and I aren't the closest siblings in the world and goodness knows he can get on my nerves, but i love him. Although I don't mean to single out any one sibling, and I love Kelly Ann and Michael too, the focus this week just so happened to focus on Thomas with me talking to him on the phone at least twice within the past week and a half or so and him being in SC.
Woah buddy, that took up about all of my normal writing time/space! haha. although I kinda did that intentionally because all i did today was go on the computer, watch a smidgen of tv, go to the grocery store and eat. tomorrow is the day before the fair starts so i'm sure i will be in the office helping get stuff organized but, not to much to say about today. …other than I love Tyler's family and I might become a carnie ;) juuust kiddin mom. (kinda…maybe, haha) Alright, alright. that's all from me for tonight. I was able to steal (with permission) Buni's mifi tonight so i might scroll though the internet for a minute before hittin the hay. I hope everyone has a lovely day. Thanks for reading and I do apologize for the randomness, boringness, and unprofessionalness of my posts! Until next time…
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Retroactive Reviews
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