Ok so, I haven't added these to the blog site in a while but…this computer hasn't seen the internet since the last time I updated! Well, I'm guessing that also means people won't go back and reread my other posts cause it's more reading than anyone would care to do i'm sure (or at least on this blog, haha) but hopefully I will upload everything tomorrow. Well, I just got done editing the rest of my little movie I made with the pictures and videos I took from the trip to Banff. It is a little longer than anyone would probably want to watch (a little more than 8 minutes) but, oh well, I had fun making it and it is something I will always have to remind me of my trip! Well, iMovie is putting it all together right now and it said it has an estimated 2 hours remaining…joy, haha. So today, well, I got up and found my way to the office at 10. I cleaned that and got everything organized to almost how it was before the jump then went to Buni and Pauls place and watched some of the closing arguments for the Casey Anthony trial…dang, that is one crazy case…and that Jose Baez drives me nuts. So anyway, then Dale took Angela, Emily, Lindsey and I to some sushi place to eat then we went to the mall for a little while to hang out before we went to the movies! (I got a pair of shorts that were half off…if anyone was wondering, haha) So anyway, we went to see Transformers but it was sold out, however the 3D showing 40 minutes later was not so we got tickets to that one…which was $15.75 might I add! (That is one expensive movie, I thought it better be good!!) Well, it was good, although I don't think I would pay 15.75 to see it…I mean, $8 sure, maybe, but, that was a little steep. Aaaanyway, so we got back from that a little before 10, then came back and worked on the video and now we are all caught up! So I guess the plan for tomorrow is…run errands maybe? Well, I know Buni has to but, I guess I may or may not go with her, then do a little more arranging down at the office and maybe make some signs for the 10 stock trailers we have!! haha. So anyway, if my movie ever publishes I will post it on here for you lovely people [person/whoever/no one] if you wanted to watch 30 seconds or surprisingly enough the whole thing. I hope everyone has a great 4th!! Maybe someone will have some sparklers or fireworks to celebrate the 4th up here?! hmm, maybe. haha. I'll keep you posted; until then...
UPDATE- So, I just got back from going to the bathrooms and guess who is leaving the same time as I am? Yep, my friend Nathan. So I walk back to the bunk house with him and he said he was glad to be in Calgary…(with a smile on his face) And he has to get up at 5:18 cause he has a 6 o'clock call time…seriously?! haha. oh well. anyway, thought i should share.
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Retroactive Reviews
Tonight I was on Youtube watching a show and when it ended, for some reason, on the home screen was my face.....from 2012. How did THAT get ...
I've been meaning to write this update for a few days now, but have been rather busy so lacked the time. Driving home from work the othe...
Ok, ok, even though no one knows about this or reads it, this still has turned out to be something I didn't think it would be, haha. Eve...
Well, it has been about 2 weeks, but I've not had much to say...well, nothing new at least. But, I was listening to this song today and ...
So glad Nathan made it to Calgary. Hope you will get to share more Good News with him. I will be praying for you. Thanks for the daily look into your adventures. You write just like you talk and it makes me feel like I'm there. Love and miss you!