Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Tuesday July 19, 2011
I am writing tonight from the comfort of Bea's bunk beds in her trailer. That's right folks, I have a new roomie! haha. So looks like i'll be staying with Bea this spot as it is closer to everything (i.e the Midway, office, and Buni's trailer. …also, fyi, Bea= Buni's mom…Tyler's grandma. ok, got it) Anywho, so that should be a nice living arrangement. Plus, she had the place to herself so, hopefully she'll enjoy the company :) So today I slept in, chilled at the trailer, then Bea and I went to the laundry mat to wash the uniforms, aprons, sheets, and our clothes. We then came back and had dinner with Buni and Paul. We went to this one Italian place and boy was it good. We got this thing called an Italian pretzel for an appetizer…although it didn't look like a pretzel, more like in the shape of a cinnamon bun, but anyway, it was delicious, then I shared a pizza with paul and that dang thing was delicious too! Oooh, and some chocolate carmel cake stuff too, let me tell you it hurt to breathe, haha! So anyway, i've just been watching tv here at Bea's; first the Golden Girls…such a funny show, then the end of a show called Tough Cookies or something, and those kind of shows always make me want to open my own bakery, haha. Seriously, I have always said that if I didn't want to get into the entertainment industry I would want to do something with food…more specifically baking. It just looks like a fun time to bake cookies half/all day. Sure beats sittin in an office or something all day!! Which, brings me to my next topic (kinda) As I was sitting at the little table thing I realized how much I enjoy…well, this, and that i'm not really looking forward to getting back to school, haha. I mean, I love Nashville and Belmont, don't get me wrong, love it (!) but maybe my crazy hectic schedule of school, intern, work, sleep, get up and do it again left a bad taste in my mouth for the upcoming school year. I mean, this is summer after all and who would rather be in school than on summer break so, I guess it's all normal, but I really am enjoying my time away from it all. But I was thinking, what if I even was in nashville this summer like, working at Tasti-d.lite or something? That would be terrible compared to this!! I don't even know if I want to return to tasti upon my arrival. …but, I guess that is a college job and I should take what I can get!! But being out here just seems so much funner (yea, I am going to use that word, haha) of a job than anything in either nashville or Ocala. (well, that I would have been able to get this summer anyway.) I've kinda been thinking recently, seeing as I only have 2 more semesters left of college and now is really the point in time where I need to get serious about the future and figure out what the heck I am going to do with my life after I graduate, and the truth is that I still have no idea. I have always said though that I don't want a normal job where I sit at a desk, and that is still more true than ever, but I also want a job that is fun, that I enjoy going to everyday where I think I can't believe this is my job because I enjoy it so much…and in all honesty, i'm not sure if I can picture myself thinking that if I am stuck in an office in the same city everyday of my life. Like when I was talking to Bea over lunch today and we were talking about something on the travel channel…like the craziest toilets or something, haha, but anyway she said she had been to like, 4 of the 5 of them or something, and then about these other places that they also went to on the show since she travels so much, you know, and I thought that was just so cool! I just think this world and country even is so huge and has so many different things and stuff to offer and look at, that I want to see it all…as much as I can. Like why sit in one place forever when there is so much to the rest of the world! Doesn't everyone want to go out and explore and experience the rest of the country/world? Am I the only one?! maybe it is just the time of night talking and what happens when my mind starts to wonder during these wee hours of the morning but I just wish (and I know this is all dreaming here, because contrary to belief I know you do have to have a job, haha) that I could get an RV and just go. Anywhere and everywhere…yet have a job at the same time, haha. But then again, wouldn't everybody. So, I guess going back to the job/school/graduating thing. I guess kinda a few things have changed for me within the year or so. I've always wanted to work on a tour and I totally still do, I just have no idea how to see this dream become a reality. Then I thought maybe I could work for a management company or something or do social media, but after some internships I am glad to have realized now that that really isn't the place for me…well, at least for a big/prominent company. But anyway, then last semester and still kinda now (well, I wanted to do this even before thinking of the whole music business) I've been thinking I want to get into film; like tv or movies. I've always loved editing videos and making movies on my computer and I think a tv or a film set would be a great fun place to work…definitely would be able to get away from a desk and normal job there. And maybe I am just saying all this because my mind changes depending on if I am watching tv/listening to music or watching a concert, haha, and probably because i've gotten a little more into tv these past few months but, it is something I would peruse if someone got back to me after graduating. Well, now that I have spilled half of my nonsense ramblings/thoughts out here that no one cares about, I will be done now. I do apologize for the length and boringness of this blog but, just remember, no one forced you to read this! haha. (which is probably why I am just writing to myself at this point! ha!) Oh, and there is more to say about this fair but, i'm sure that can wait for another night. (although I do want to mention I did see the brightest rainbow of my life tonight. it was beautiful) So there ya go, scatterbrained and all. Until tomorrow night…
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