Wednesday, April 19, 2023

After The Rain The Sun Always Shines

 Not gonna lie, the past month or so has been a little hard for me. As I mentioned in my last post I have been unemployed. be frank, I have been unemployed more than I have been employed this year. The TV show that I had been working on shut down on multiple occasions and the most recent shut down has lasted 2 months. It just came at a very unfortunate time as all the union's contracts are set to expire so contract negotiations are happening and the studios have basically slowed down (or stopped) making any new content until these negotiations are settled, so the industry is very slow at the moment. Funnily enough, my show finally starts back up next week....just in time for the writers to go on strike. 🤣 (The WGA (Writers Guild) has until May 1st to settle a new contract with AMPTP (Producers) and if they do not settle on a new contract, the WGA has voted to go on strike which would shut the whole industry down until they come to terms.) 

And now that you are up on all the latests Hollywood news....back to me, haha. To be honest, for the past little while I have actually toyed with the idea of finding a job outside of the film industry. The hours sometimes on set make the thought of working even 12 hours a day a dream. But this time away from set and searching job board after job board looking for another career made me realize....what the heck else can I do? haha. It's HARD having a career change. And certainly takes work. Plus i'm lazy! And I will admit....while being a DGA member can be brutal sometimes (with hours and whatnot) you DO get paid for it so it's really a hard industry to look out of, especially comparing rates and such, haha. 

As i've been spending so much time on my computer looking for other work and job opportunities, all of my closest friends have been traveling around Japan. As many of you know, I love to travel and take pride in my country count. Back in the old days I would be finishing an international trip and planning my next one! Japan has always been near the top of my 'Countries to Visit Soon' list so the fact that I couldn't join them was just a bummer. And the worst part was, I actually had the time. I'm not working. But I guess that in and of itself is the problem. Can't pay for a trip if you don't have a job! I know this post is a lot about 'woe is me' but I found this website again and I said I would start updating more and, like I said I have the time so this is the only content I have at the moment. 

That being said, in my extra spare time i've had, I've really started to notice and enjoy the flowers that have started to bloom all around town. There are literally small flowers mixed in the grass, coming out of the bushes, they are everywhere! It honestly brings the 'April showers bring May flowers' to life. And i'd like to think that nature parallels life and I know my flowers will soon be in bloom. I'm not sure how much you know about weather in LA, but this season it has been RAINY. Like, rainy and cold like no other. So much of california has been in a drought for AGES and after the amount of rain we have seen, much of the state is finally out of their warnings. And you know what? The state has never been more beautiful. I've always said that LA looks its most beautiful after a rain. The brown hills for a moment turn green. The rain washes the smog away and we can breathe again. It really is when LA is at its finest. So here we are now after a season full of rain and now we get to be surrounded by flowers in bloom, green foothills, and the sight of snow still covering the mountains in the distance. 

Maybe these last few months have been a little rainy for me. The sun hasn't always shown and i've had to sit under the ominous clouds wondering what I could do when the sun wasn't out. And that's about all I could do really, just enjoy the rain as much as I can until the sun shines again. Like I said I finally start back on my show on Monday and at least i'll get a solid week's worth of work in, and that is much needed. Last year I never would have thought I would be so excited for a week of work, but life really runs in cycles doesn't it. The looming writers strike doesn't quite emote a sunny forecast ahead, but like they say - after the rain, the sun always shines. Maybe this rain will bring the biggest bloom yet. 

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Hello Again

 Holy Cow. I COMPLETELY forgot this website/blog ever existed and during my current unemployment, one thing led to another and here we are!! 

To be honest what brought me back here (other than unemployed despair) was my seeking of an old document I started years ago (but somehow after my latest post on here, which leads me to believe I had already forgotten about this website then) which I started just in case I felt the need, IN ALL OF MY WISDOM, to start a book, lol. I mean, I don't mean to toot my own horn but there is some good stuff in there! Anyway, it led me to my (also forgotten) old tumblr which led me here! I will admit i've gone through and read some of my old posts and what a journey, haha! (Still can't believe this thing dates back to 2011) 

Now you may be thinking (you aren't), Amy, go back real quick to that part about you writing a book. Way back when (maybe 2018??) I thought I had some insightful things to say so I started a little document titled, 'a book' you know, just in case. But what I realized is most of the things I had written down in there were more like a journal entry.....unsurprisingly, like this exact platform I am writing to you now. It's like I forgot this website existed and my soul knew I still needed some form of escape from my brain so I started that doc not even remembering I had already started this platform AGES ago! The crazy thing is, earlier this morning I was over there writing in this what I had newly titled a 'journal' instead of 'book'. I do think some of those entries still might be a little too personal, or embarrassing, or raw, but maybe down the line i'll transfer that 'book' over here to this blog so those words won't go to waste. 

Because i'm Me, I do believe everything happens for a reason and I think I was meant to stumble upon this blog again. It has actually been so crazy to go back and re-read some of the posts i've made and i'm pretty happy with my younger self for going on this little literary journey. In this current age where the only thing you present to this world is a picture that goes away after 24 hours, or if they are really important ones pictures that you post forever or a sentence on FB or 140 characters on twitter, but sometimes that isn't enough to release the thoughts swirling in your head. I went back and looked at the subtitle on this blog- A glimpse inside the happenings in my head. Apparently I had so much to say when I was younger. 77 posts in 2011, 27 posts in 2012, 17 in 2013 and so on. Less and less posts as the years go by. I'd like to think it's because I was getting smarter and there were less ominous things happening in my head, and supposedly i'm a grown up now and we don't overshare, especially on the internet. But I think i'm going to challenge myself to start writing on this blog again. I doubt anyone will read it, but if nothing else and I forget again in a years time that this space exists, I can see what I had to say in April of 2023. 

I think I MAY even just start this next chapter of blogging by going back and sharing my very first 'book' entry from my "not a blog blog post" haha. The thing I am kind of longing for a little bit in this....i'm not gonna call it an re-introduction to blogging, is- do y'all remember or did you ever have Xanga? Man that was the SITE when I was in highschool. Honestly, it served us well I think. The thing I loved about it was that is wasn't just a blogging website, everyone had their own and were constantly commenting on each others blog entries and it was a little community. You were able to REALLY KNOW how people were and how their week was, not just by knowing what they were up to by seeing one picture they posted with emoji's as the caption. oooh but that was a different time. And now i'm rambling, but for no one in particular because like I said, (did I even say this?) we are ADULTS now so we are way too busy to be reading rambling blog posts anymore, that was for high school, haha. 

I digress. I'll wrap this up so I can go jump into year 2011 and see what young 21 year old me had to say. Should I post these to Facebook? Will anyone read them? Does anyone care? Do *I* care? I'm just gonna be over here writing things until someone in the film industry decides to work again.....

Retroactive Reviews

Tonight I was on Youtube watching a show and when it ended, for some reason, on the home screen was my face.....from 2012. How did THAT get ...