Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sunday July 17, 2011

Well well well…I am not writing Sunday's update on monday morning the 18th at 7:52am since this is the first time I am getting back to my bed! Since I pulled an all nighter I can't even really remember yesterday!! haha. The crowd actually wasn't too big so it was a pretty ease day. I am trying to think of what all happened and I can't believe that was only yesterday, haha. So we did the same old same old then around…well, I don't even know the time, around 11:15, made a pre-closing pick-up and from then on it was end of the fair/closingteardown madness, haha. so we figured everything out in the office, got everyone's pay ready, got the office packed up and ready for another move payed people and handed out draws, and next thing I know it it is 6:30 in the morning. I was actually never really tired the whole time…even on my walk back. And I figured I might watch The Princess Bride since i'm sure most people would be sleeping, but now that I am laying here I am getting a little tired and might even get me some sleep! haha. Well, that being said, I actually think I might la my head down and see what happens. I do have some thoughts on the Stampede, but that will have to wait for another update when i'm not so tired. (wait, didn't I just say I wasn't tired? haha…uh oh, the time s quickly catching up on me.) Okie doe, until next time...

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